FOG2 Grand Wolves at the Gate Tournament - starts June 3rd.

Game posted, password:FGM1

Challenge lobby seems to be maxed out at the moment, getting some weird error message when connecting / checking for challenges.
I'm not seeing any challenge from you.
Makes kind of sense, since it is the first day of the FoGII DL, so many challenges are being issued.
I will check back later to see if it works then.
@Nelson1812, @Badger73, @Mad Mike, @olaf

Anyone interested in a practice match with these armies (Third round)?

Scots 851-1051 AD with Viking 900-1049 AD allies vs Anglo-Saxon 871-949 AD. Following an unchallenged invasion of Scotland by King Æthelstan of England in 934 AD, in 937 England was counter-invaded by an alliance of King Constantine II of Alba (Scotland), King Olaf Guthfrithson of Dublin and others. They were defeated by King Æthelstanat the Battle ofBrunanburh, somewhere in northern England. North European Agricultural.
Hey id like one of these too. Set it up if you want one more. Byzantines with allies sounds exciting!
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