Football Fans - How can you stand it!?

Admittedly I do not follow soccer. I just find it mind-numbingly boring. Someone once said "Soccer is where thousands of people go to watch some other people jog." That's pretty much my take.

However, I got sold on the World Cup hype and decided to tune in to the England v. U.S. match. I lasted about 15 minutes and decided my time would be better spent on The Military Channel. Was I bored? Sure, but that's not why I tuned out.

Have any of you soccer enthusiasts noticed the noise at a soccer game? Do you all take one of those obnoxiously irritating buzzing horns with you when you attend in person? Do you blow on it the entire length of the match for no apparent reason other than to make a noise something akin to million hornets? Does it make the game more fun or exciting somehow? Have you noticed the sound never stops. Never. Ever.

The U.S. goalie went down with an injury. While he was being attended the buzzzing NEVER let up and may have gotten louder. NOTHING was going on (and that's saying a bit during a soccer game) to buzz about.

Soccer fans, your game is in trouble unless this noise issue is addressed. It is hurting the games popularity if it drives away casual observers such as I, or real potential fans. And I am gone permanently. I'm quite happy to get my football news 3rd hand from you blessed quite.
yes the horns are annoying, that mono-tonal noise gets right into your head, however that is purely an african thing, you won't see them at a european ground
And american sport fans are renowned for simply watching in respectful silence arn't they ;)
If it wasn't such a good game, it wouldn't have a world cup where 32 teams had to qualify from their groups in which 9 or 10 other teams played to qualify. Unlike basket ball, base ball, 'American' football.
Lol mTk....nice windup :)

You'd have to go a long way, however, to convince me that there is less action in a football game than, say, a baseball game.....and if we're going to talk noise, let's talk about those inane organs and the chant of "defense" tone-tone-tone...always the same three notes; gah!

Of course, if I riposte baseball, you can counterattack with cricket...but most of the soccer-playing world don't do cricket, so the arguments stand!
And BTW it is football. Not soccer !

Saw a small item yesteray on the BBC: appearently football is a fast growing sport in the US, so get ready for more football on the US TV too !
I lasted about 15 minutes and decided my time would be better spent on The Military Channel. Was I bored? Sure, but that's not why I tuned out.

Did you see the Germany-Australia game ? That was really good ! Fast flowing attacks, great combinations.
looking forward to see how the Dutch do in this afternoon's game against Denmark:)

Life overhere will be slowing down to a standstill.. During workhours people will be watching the game. At some company's the employees get the opportunity to watch the game. Afterwards they get bach to work..

There is quite a bit of controversy regarding the horns, apparently some players are claiming they put them off their game.
There is quite a bit of controversy regarding the horns, apparently some players are claiming they put them off their game.

There is a good thing about them: players can claim they didn't heard the whistle and thus avoiding a yellow card...
Nice, we won! :)

Shame we had to start with the Danes giving a goal away.. ouch!
Just got back from the stadium an hour ago -- great festive atmosphere -- the Dutch fans are a lot of fun! (and they were blowing the vuvuzela horns like the best of them)
Not a great game -- first half tedious -- came alive -- but fans and vibe entertaining enough :)

So far Germans still the best-looking team out there... let's see what the Italians can dish up this evening.
Has there ever been a world championship football in which the eventual winner played all its games well (especially the first) ?

So, perhaps Germany peaks to early ?
In 1966 England drew their first World Cup game, but went on to win the tournament.
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