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Four Challenges; Multi-Player, Panzer Corp



To my FGM comrades,

I issued four different challenges on the Slitherine Ltd, Panzer Corp, multi-player server.
Start Panzer Corp,
Go to Multi-player
Go to Accept Challenges, Look for yours truly Lighthorse as issuer of challenges.
All the game have NO handicap.
Password for all four games is "fgmpc"
Please pick only one or two game, so there room for other to beat up "Lighthorse"

1. Hunter of the Atlantic - paired games
2. Barbarossa - Lighthorse as USSR
3. Sea LION - Lighthorse as UK
4. Rush to Moscow - Lighthorse as USSR

Once you accept a challenge, our game start with you doing the first turn(I think).
The Server will handled the moves, saving the moves back to server and notify you when its your move again. It an excellent PBEM server system.

See you on the battlefield, my FGM friends.
I'll go for the Moscow battle then. On the iPad atm so once the laptop is firered up I'll accept the challenge.
Alright, Soviet heros are now repulsing the nastily Nazi invasion of our fatherland. First turn done and send back to you Von Rico....:")

Comrade General Lighthorse
(So to be shot by the NKVD, unless I can repulse all the German)
Turn 2 Barbarossa -- Comrade Lighthorsenov's Red Air Force has been given a bloody nose so far by the glorious Luftwaffe -- the advance is off to a good start :)

Ha...don't get too glorious there Rico, we have a surprise for you.

My problem is there never enough points to buy new troops and equipment....NEVER!

I'm cancel my last challenge, a old wargame friend has started up four more PC challenges again me...Thus my dance card is filled...thanks all.