German film crew

And can you push that pic of the Stealth ship going into harbor across a bit, I can only see the bow.

There should be a scroll slider bar at the bottom of the ship post, drag it across to scan the whole pic.
The original pic (and a few more) are 1400 pixels wide, I should have shrunk them to about 1200 before posting them, my bad.

This is my place now,some pratt painted it white before I got here, it's about a hundred years old, and before that it was a pub called The Welchmans Arms. The deeds go back 600 years so there's always been a building of some sort on this spot.
I've got the whole top floor, my "Eagles Nest"..:)
The 3 floors below me are occupied by a Goth, a crab fisherman and a Tourette's patient, it's like living in a loony bin..

Yeah it's a pity Kehler wastes his time filming soppy soaps, I'd like to see a platoon of SS stormtroopers goose-stepping down my street..:)

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