Gustav Line preorders!

Great new!
Will take (as always) the downloadable version.
I'm awaiting only download option. The delivery fees are very expensive
I agree... I have ordered all previous game as delivery and download. I got stunk for nearly Ă‚ÂŁ20 on top of the fee for the game last time on import charges. Download only for me now.
The same total will be $45.00 for download and CD mailed.
You lot don't want to move to Australia. Games from a brick and mortar retail shop have been $100 since as long as I can remember. The equivalent of the classic $60 US price. This despite the fact that the Aussie dollar is worth more than the US and has been for some time...

If the CM games had something like Steam integration allowing easy reinstall and auto updating I'd happily go digital only but not yet. But I understand why BF isn't going down the Steam route. So at the moment if I'm still paying less than $100 for a full title I'm happy but must admit the $27 postage this time for Gustav wasn't nice.
I have to admit that I am also of the view that it's just too expensive purchasing physical going forward.

But, I will look very carefully at what is included for initial 'family' releases. If they include a printed manual - like Normandy, not Italy - then I will buy the physical.
I hate Steam! I am not very technically oriented, and their interface requires more tech savvy than I can muster. Last time I looked, there was no "Interface for Dummies".
I hate Steam! I am not very technically oriented, and their interface requires more tech savvy than I can muster. Last time I looked, there was no "Interface for Dummies".
Facman, you may later on, take another look at Steam.
I have about 60 games with them, and never had a problem yet. I have learned to wait until xmas holidays to purchase all my games at discount.
I guess the hardest problem is setting up one's account.
After that, once the password has been saved, plus I wrote it down in my address book too.
I just chick on my desktop shortcut, it pops right up.
Do note, you need to adjust some virus checker, to allow Steam onto your computer.
All the times that my computer has failed, or adding new software to a new computer, Steam was very friendly and easy for this old fart.

Later Buddy
I use Steam when required, but don't like it. When it requires some sort of maintenance, I call in my tech savvy young Turk!
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