Gustav Line preorders!

Ok, sorry, it was a router issue apparently, got fixed when I restarted it. Sorry again.

PS. Gustav Line installing :)
Just downloaded.. Battlefront site is not down.. downloadable version available (1.6 Gb ... 50/60 min to download for me)
Finish installing and notices that there is four campaigns...not the three I thought would be...sweet.
My fav cam was the American Raging Buffalo one by Normal Dude. Some amazing maps in that one.

Also the new FOW is great. I've been hating to play CMBN lately because I got use to it. Looking forward to the CMBN patch for it.

Yes, the new FOW really is a highlight for me. Gone are the days where I instantly knew by looking at the UI what troops I am facing. It adds to the immersion. I love it.
The FOW was always a prob for me, thats why i preferred playing at Iron level. Will be interesting to see what the new version looks like.
I have grabbed yesterday, played bear claws , it' easy for german side that I think, major victory with iron difficulty
Yankies were surrendered while last 12 turns remainning
What "new FOW" are you talking about?
On Elite or Iron settings the information in the UI about what the enemy unit actually is, hidden in various degrees. Example: first you just know it is let me say infantry as they are shooting with rifles at you. Then some of your soldiers spot that pesky little Brixia mortar with the unit and info is updatet to something like "Small Mortar". But and this I think is the main part of the new FOW the actual unit is not recognized as 1.Squad, or 1 Platoon HQ. You will know it is a headquarter because of radios and stuff. But you don`t know what formation it belongs. Beacuase htere is no instant recognition down to the unitnahemit is much more difficult to make sense of enemy contacts.

BTW: I don`t claim I got it completly right, but that roughly what it is about. And as I am not a native english speaker (and writer therefore) it is also a bit difficult to find the rigt words. That`s sometimes hard enough in my own language ;-)...
Definitely purchase your games with steam when a discount is in the offing.

Theatre of War is a good example.
Your doing great in English. I would have guessed you were a Yank ... no offense.

Thanks. This encourages me to post more actively.
Why should someone be offended beeing called a Yank? As I am a Kraut I don't get it :)
Why should someone be offended being called a Yank?

Off the top of my head I can think of two reasons, though there may be many more...
1. There are many Americans from the Southern states, who would not appreciate being called a Yankee.
2. Then there are some folks who think America has strayed far from it's founding principles, and no longer hold the same affections for someone from the US as they did in the old days, therefore identifying you as a Yank, could have been insulting.
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