Hedgerow Tourney Archive - for tactical study




The winner gets a silver cup or tankard (his choice) sent to him

I created the scen but have never played it and have no idea how balanced it is.
Cmak, Aug 44, Brit Attack
2000-pts size category
20+turns, midday, clear dry weather

(All vet except Crack sniper. No reinfs)

9 x Churchill VI
9 x Rifle platoons
3 x PIATs
1 x Sniper
1 x Vickers MMG
1 x 25pdr Arty spotter (100 shells)
3 x Hurricane IV (rockets and cannons)


(All vet except Crack sniper. No reinfs))

3 x PzIVH
9 x Waffen-SS Infantry platoons
1 x 75mmATG
1 x 20mm Flak Quad
1 x pzschreck
1 x Sniper
1 x MG42 HMG

Contact me (or post here) to sign up and i'll edit your names into this list. The tourney ends midnight Feb 28th 2010 (last day of month)
Sign-up is open til around Feb 21st, you can still sign up as late as that if you think you can finish the game in the final week..;)
You all play just ONE game against me, it's NOT a mirror.
YOU choose whether you want to be Brit or German!
Tourney winner will be whoever busts my ass the most (ie difference between our % scores)
It counts for the FGM ladder unless the players agree to be nonladder..
Green=chose to be Brits. Blue=chose to be Gers

USS Wyoming





(All the hedges in the scen are the tall variety)

Summary as it applies to this scenario-
CAN CROSS AND ENTER TALL HEDGES - All Brit units in the game and German foot units
CAN'T CROSS OR ENTER (program won't let them) - German tanks, the ATG and Flak

1- One of Nathangun's rocket-firing Hurricanes (there are three in the scenario) pays a visit to a German garrison (yellow dotted line shows its ground track)..

2- Ouch.. my 20mm Flak Quad was chattering away but it didn't deter the Brylcreem Boy..

PS- if I seem to be giving away the dispositions of my forces in any of my screenshots, rest assured nobody will see anything i don't want them to see. Units move around, so just because they're in a certain position in one screenshot doesn't mean they'll still be there when the enemy arrives later, hehe..:)
It's only turn 1 and no sooner do my Brits move off the start line than ACSpectres gun begins engaging the centre Churchill platoon as they poke their snouts through the first hedgerow.
In the background dust rises as my 25-pdr pre-planned barrage begins softening up the town..
(PS the fences in the hedgerow gaps represent gates, the farmer has to get his tractor into the fields somehow)

Ratzki's fast-moving British infantry hit the German forward outpost zone and are engaged by an MG42.
Behind, the air is heavy with the primeval roar of Churchill engines..
Norts Churchills stand ready to move off the start line to punch down the road.
Waiting for them is a well dug in Waffen-SS veteran battlegroup..
Just a typical tactical screenshot from one of the games:- my right-flank force moves off the start line on 'Move to Contact' orders, which means they'll walk forward but will stop dead the instant they're shot at, or if they spot an enemy, and will return fire rather than just carry on blindly walking into incoming fire.
The whole force will then blow away whatever they see, in theory at least..
The disadvantage of Move to Contact is that it's very time-consuming because of it's stop-go nature, for example a burst of incoming small-arms fire could stop the whole force even if they can't see the firer, meaning they'll cancel the MtC order and spend the rest of the turn shooting back, or (if they can't see him) just looking around asking each other "who shot at us?"
Next turn, you have the chore of issuing fresh orders all over again.
PS- I just remembered I forgot to order my 25-pdr spotter to call in a pre-planned artillery barrage in this game, duh..
Ratzki v Waffen-SS..
His Brits obliterate an outpost with a combined infantry/armour action..


Dazed survivors are rounded up..
Another couple of tactical screenshots worth posting are these against Rico (i'll also put them in the Tac Section)-

Pic 1- One of the disadvantages of being in foxholes in CM is that the enemy can see the hole when they get close, even though they can't see if there's anybody in them.
Here, my Brits spotted the foxhole (blue ringed on the left) on the previous turn and blasted it killing the occupant, but now 3 more foxholes have appeared (blue ring right)..

Pic 2- They might contain nothing but i don't want to take any chances so I jam everybody's brakes on and blast them anyway with area fire, and soon their occupants appear in them and begin to wriggle, crawl or run..
Nort's Brits press relentlessly forward; his Churchills trashed the PzIVH at top right, and now they dish out the same treatment to its mate on the left..
Both German tanks fired back but missed, they had their chance..
Groan.. Ratzki's 25-pdr arty barrage gets my 75mmATG at the worst possible time for me, just when i needed it to tackle his mixed infantry/armour group coming down the road from top right..
Gun gun gun!
Rico's well-camouflaged 75mmATG (blue circle) barked twice before I even saw it, taking out one of my Churchills (X).
The gun is in a foxhole just the other side of the hedge, with its barrel poking through..
A wider view of the incident described by Rico in his previous post-
My tactics were bad, I impetuously tried to send my leading wave of infantry through the hedge without waiting for armour backup and they paid a heavy price as German small arms fire comes ripping out of the scattered trees and a line of foxholes.
Next turn my Churchills will do what I should have ordered them to do before- trundle through the farm gate to get LOS on the foxhole line..
Next turn- ah that's better, two Churchills go through the gate and begin whittling down the foxhole line.
Meanwhile two more Churchills streak across the field and crash through the hedge to engage the German infantry near the flag.
When the Germans are shot up bad i'll send in my infantry to mop them up..
Next turn- Rico's PzIVH joins the party and quickly knocks out one of my 'farm gate' Churchills..

Nathangun moves against my German right-flank outpost with serious heavy metal- 6 x Churchills- and tank gunfire rips through the orchard as my boys begin fighting for their lives..

As Jonny's 25-pdr bombardment rains down, my panzer commander says to his crew- "Ha! ve are quite safe, ze chances of being hit by a shell are a million to...oh scheiss!!"
Spike's infantry squad (circled in red) surrenders after a heavy 75mm pounding from the churchills. But there is another foxhole right next to him (while circle), likely to contain bad guys, so i keep area targetting that foxhole and by the time i'm done the second foxhole (contained plt HQ) is dead and the squad that surrendered with 4 men is reduced to 1. Whoops, did i just commit a warcrime?


Fortunes of war (sigh).... my PzIVH hunts down 3 of Nort's Churchills for a perfect side shot but it ricochets and the Churchills quickly blow away the mosquito that stung them (inset), he had his chance..

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