
Good news -- found some time yesterday to work on some more concepts and ideas for this -- how to possibly incorporate air-strikes, paratroop landings, multi-hex combat and the functioning of HQ's and transfer of component units and reinforcements.

Looking fwd to playing this soon.
Im not sure what this is? Looks like a board game, if so, Ill do something :D
Its a campaign where the tactical part of it(the battles) will be resolved using the CM Game engine(CMAK)
Ya ive done one or two of these before using BB, they are good and this one looks even better! Though im very rusty, perfect player to represent an allied garrison commander? :D
I believe that enrollments in this one are still open too. Take a close look at the rules and such. This campaign will be a BLAST and RICO is famed for his attention to detail and skill at creating new and exciting tourneys. :hail:

Thanks for the kind word, Von Reich.

Haven't actually started recruiting players for this yet -- this is still in development and some in-house testing -- got some interesting ideas how to handle paradrops on airfields. :party:
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