Hi all



Hi to everyone, just registered and very impressed with the information here in the forums.
just abit about myself.

I am project lead for the Redorchestra mod DarkestHour, we are just finalising our last patch for that mod and we then intend to move onto our next project which is secret atm.
we have gained lot of historical refrence material over the years we have been making our mod, but little that I could post as most of it belongs to others and not myself.

Anyways fantastic site you got here and keep up the excellent work your doing.

You play CMBN? My brother plays DH in the 29th infantry clan.

Welcome !!!
As a long time RO player/fan, going way back to mod beta 1.0 in 2003, thank you thank you thank you for the DH mod. It's a helluva breath of fresh air from the gritty Eastern Front. My guess(more like hope and wish) you guys will eventually bring the DH mod to the new RO2. (fingers crossed) It will certainly be nice to get a Pacific mod with Rising Sun, but I'm sure a lot of people would love to see DH.
Oh and yeah welcome aboard here, I just registered myself a few days ago. :yo:
To be honost I dont like RO2... RO1 is much beter and indeed the DH mod is awesome
it is available on Steam, price is Ă‚ÂŁ6 atm, but I know you can get it cheaper.
Our Mod is free but you need the main game to play it.

There will be a DH2, but whether it be a Mod for RO2 or something else has yet to be Announced, we will be making that announcement soon however.
Hey Exo....suprised to see you here !!!! welcome !! If you folks here at the FGM are inclined to get togther for some DH count me in.
BTW it is Redorchestra Ostront our mod is made for NOT the just released Heroes of Stalingrad