Hi my first post on here>

Hey Nigel, I'm impressed by your skills! No question! :)

But please post an introduction and choose a proper avatar, mate. ;)
Hi, i'm now producing a set of houses which should be ready in a few weeks, also a cathedral, i've also just found out how to get them looking much better in game (not so lo res and stretched etc), so i'm reworking them up to new spec. As for the modular buildings, i've created a monster. They look great but what i've done is placed the graphics on the buildings and when I place them I take off all the windows and doors as they are just to basic and dont look anything like Norman buildings, the trouble is by doing this troops cannot enter or leave or fire from the buildings so pretty useless in that respect, but i have an idea im woking on, to get the best of both worlds, if only the game gave the original 3d cad drawings for these builds i could edit them to fit with my designs. Im on a Mac so i cant see the original files, so i update .bmp's. Here's some of the new stuff ive been building; Cheers

build 444.jpg

Modular 1

build 446.jpg

House 1

Build 1001.jpg

Mod 2

Build 1002.jpg

Mod 3

Build 1003.jpg

Mod 4

Build Mairie1.jpg

Mod 5

build-house 3.jpg

House 2

Build 1005.jpg

Mod 6

New House1.jpg

House 3

Cheers guys i'm working hard to get the sets finished by mid march. Cheers


  • BG11.jpg
    463.9 KB · Views: 2
A quick foot note all the modular buildings are actually parts of real buildings from either Caen, Bayeaux, Caumont giving the buildings a little bit of authenticity. The houses and commercial builds are real textures from Normandy. The poster on mod 4 is Joan of Arc rising from the ashes of Rouen and will take revenge on the Allies for destroying 45% of the city (because of a top Naval base there). Well you all probably know the Waffen SS posters but the ones on mod 4 are recruiting posters for the French Citizens to join both SS and Wehrmacht, which some did. Cheers
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