How often do you play certain scenarios ?


FGM Regimental Sergeant Major
May 19, 2016
Reaction score
Missouri, USA
I grew up during the golden age of board wargames in the 1970s. Panzer Leader and Squad Leader in particular were two favorites. Panzer Leader came with 20 scenarios, and Squad Leader came with 12 scenarios, so of course we played certain scenarios over and over and over, a bazillion times. Does anyone play a certain CM scenario all the time? Since it's so easy to create a battle in CM I don't find myself playing any one scenario a whole lot before moving on to something else.
I grew up on all things Avalon Hill. I played Squad Leader and ASL for years. :)

I rarely have played the same scenario twice in CM. Once I knew what the other side had, playing H2H it kind of took away some of the fun.
Now that said, if the AI kicked my butt I would play it a few times until I got it right.
Plus, there are so many more CM scenarios there's not enough time to play them all!
When I played Panzer Leader and PanzerBlitz with my two brothers, we each had our own copy of the games. We would put all 18 boards together and use all of the counters, in either Panzer Leader or PanzerBlitz, and go at each other. Our mom wasn’t too happy when we would take over a large portion of the house for that long a time.
With Vassal it's possible to play a large number of player-designed scenarios for PL or SL, but even so there are favorites like Hill 621 that I play often with Vassal friends. I just don't seem to play any CM scenarios repeatedly. I agree with Gunner, a big part of CM is fog of war and not knowing exactly what the other guy has, so once you do know it loses appeal.
With Vassal it's possible to play a large number of player-designed scenarios for PL or SL, but even so there are favorites like Hill 621 that I play often with Vassal friends. I just don't seem to play any CM scenarios repeatedly. I agree with Gunner, a big part of CM is fog of war and not knowing exactly what the other guy has, so once you do know it loses appeal.
Hill 621 - was that squad leader?
Yes it was the 6th scenario with the Russians trying to take the hill with overwhelming numbers but as usual not many leaders to keep all the Russian squads in the fight.
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