How to: Drop box to CM helper?

At the risk of info overload ... you do also need to tell CMH which CM Title the battle is for, when that battle is first added to CMH ...

So, if this is a CMBS battle, CMH needs to know that to find the right folders etc at the CM end of the link, as well as knowing the Dropbox folder for that end of the file moving process.
I see the thumbs for the OP's images, but I can't view them full sized for some reason. Any ideas? Forum or some browser setting I missed?
I got a 2nd game up on CMH. It recognized it.
I also put it in CMBN folder in DB.
Now to see if Peleliu can grab it from DB?
I think you need to share the folder with me. Email is below my forum avatar.
Mr Phil,
Nothing seems to work?
We have tried several games to no avail. We cleared all files and started over. He sent me a game. I got it in DB as .....01. Loaded it into incoming emails in CMBN. But as soon as I launch the game and put in my password it immediately ends the turn at 02.
Any ideas appreciated.
Mr Phil,
Nothing seems to work?
We have tried several games to no avail. We cleared all files and started over. He sent me a game. I got it in DB as .....01. Loaded it into incoming emails in CMBN. But as soon as I launch the game and put in my password it immediately ends the turn at 02.
Any ideas appreciated.

This is CM (nothing to do with CMH!) working as intended ... if your opponent starts a game and sends you file 001, your first turn as player 2 is only ever to input your password and send back 002.

The second player only "sees" the battle / game when he gets and opens 003 from the first player ...

Your opponent needs to load your file 002, play his turn and send you back 003: when you load that you'll get a "proper" turn ...

Blame Battlefront! You get used to it, but it's their (IMO) odd idea of how to start up the battle!

I say "odd" because it means player 2 is adding a password and "accepting" the battle start without ever seeing what the battle is about!

If it were me, I'd organise this start-up process differently ...
? You get exactly the same info as the person that starts the game (they look at a list of scenarios reading the basic info and the description of the selected one) and just enters a password. Then you see a file in your inbox that when you select gives you the basic info and the description before you enter your password.

Am I miss remembering something?
Thanks guys. Peleliu figured it out. We're up and running!! :cheerso:
? You get exactly the same info as the person that starts the game (they look at a list of scenarios reading the basic info and the description of the selected one) and just enters a password. Then you see a file in your inbox that when you select gives you the basic info and the description before you enter your password.

Am I miss remembering something?

I think you are ...

Don't know what you see, but as player 2 loading a PBEM CMBN game file 001 from an opponent, I see these two screens, only ...

Screenshot 2018-11-21 at 21.12.08.png

Screenshot 2018-11-21 at 21.12.20.png

Tells you nothing about the scenario, nor even which game title it's from if you don't already know (though of course, to have loaded it successfully in the first place, you have to have used the right game title ...).

This example above has a tell-tale file name started by player 1 which gives an indication if you already know what / where to look, but if player 1 uses a bland, non indicative file name then as player 2 you know nothing whatsoever ...
Well we can carry on arguing about it if you like ...

I posted the screenshots of what I see (from one of two tests, done immediately before I posted above, to remind myself of the situation that brought about my earlier comment) ... do you think I made them up or faked them just to prove my point??

If / when I, at least, am player 2 in a PBEM game, all I see on opening the file 001 from the setting up player is what I posted above ... give a password and save the file. I see NO scenario details ...

Clearly we must be playing a different game?

I'm not quite sure what the logic would be in player 2 getting a scenario selection screen, as the scenario has already been chosen by player one? Player 2 isn't "loading a new game", they are continuing the game that player 1 has already started?
I'm not arguing. I was just pointing out that before you click the Fight button both players see the same information about the scenario. Your screen shots are after pressing the Fight button. Mine are from before. Same game both of us see the same screens. You just forgot to look at the scenario info before you pressed the Fight button. :D
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