I created a Boomkow Youtube Channel

So, how do you like it. I really enjoy the sound of the mg42 and the artillery. Helps me identify them easier!
The sound of the incoming artillery and explosions is absolutely great! :)

And I also like the new vehicle sounds. :)

The background sounds are very good too. Very "atmospheric". ;)

But with the MG42 I'm not yet so absolutely satisfied. About two years ago when CMBN was just released I had a sound mod installed from "Oddball" (don't know if it
is "our" @Oddball-CAF here at the FGM) - In this sound mod the MG42 sounded somewhat harder, faster and in a more dry way dangerous/brutal - you know what I mean?
And allthough it is somewhat "unrealisitc" I'm still looking for rifle sounds that are more like those in the movies (somewhat louder and more "bang"). I still have the Oddball sound
files saved - must experimantate a little again. ;)

And I have not tested the new "screams" yet.
A new version just came out and the mg42 has changed to a real bark!! Kind of like the throttle of an F1 race car!
A new version? Have to check it out! Thanks for the heads up! :)

The sound mod is great - the longer I'm using it the more I like it! :cool:
A new version? Have to check it out! Thanks for the heads up! :)

The sound mod is great - the longer I'm using it the more I like it! :cool:

I can drop any of the sounds you want to hear from the new version into the dropbox if you like. Saves you having to download 400mbs.
A new version just came out and the mg42 has changed to a real bark!! Kind of like the throttle of an F1 race car!
Yes, it is great now! :cool: An absolute extremely overclocked brutal-massacre-hardcore-shredding-heavy-killer-machine gun! :D
by the way in this regard - do you know this training video already? ;) --->
I accidentally/randomly found it on YouTube while I was searching for the "real" sound of the Mg-42 some time ago.

(But what is "real"...? It always depends on the technical equipment that records and plays the sound).

What do they say at the end? - "Their bark is worse than their bite" ? ;)
No, but the mg-42 sounds like a supercharged 30 cal mg.

As they said - the MG-42 was somewhat "overclocked" and therefore it "wasted" too much ammunition.
Manolito's new sound of the MG-42 represents that very well - it is great! :)
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