
Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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Hi Guys

After a recent discussion on my blog 'The War That Still Rages' where I asked members to comment on what we can do to keep the FGM at the pinnacle of the war gaming genre I have had time to digest their replies and have come to the following conclusion and have decided on how I 'wish' the future of the FGM to look.

The feedback received was excellent so thanks to the few guys who took the time to comment and make me reflect on what exactly this club means to them and what kind of beast I have on my hands.

The feedback stated that the site looks great and is one of the best out there. I'm a bugger for continually changing the site and I have to say the look of the site we have now pleases me... it has taken nigh on 10 years to accomplish this and I now see no need to change the site aesthetics.

Members also commented on the fact that they would rather have a small core of dedicated players than a huge sprawling membership that is inactive. I have kept to this wish by making sure that inactive members get deleted from the site after 3 months of not logging in and cutting new members who don't post within 7 days of joining. It is 'good form' to post a hello within a week of joining and those that don't get removed. I have always wanted to grow the membership not through any thought of making money from the site but purely to ensure its longevity. What I have learned is that lots of members do not make the site any better... albeit it is nice to have a large active community this is still being achieved by our group of steadfast members. If new members want to join us and increase our member count then by all means join and become active.... those that join up and are quiet are soon cut.

It has been pointed out that the FGM cannot hope to achieve a huge membership due to the fact that Combat Mission and war gaming in general is a niche market. Site activity is more important to huge numbers. Despite having a relatively small membership it has been noticed that we are one of the more active war games out there and have succeeded when other sites have faded away.

With Battlefront having plans in store for expanding the CM range it is only a matter of time before our membership starts growing again once an Eastern Front module is released and the EF aficionados step into the realm of CM.

Cross club competitions have also been talked about to offer members here a different challenge and also to show the rest of the war gaming world on the net that we are here.

It was also noted that we are quite an elite organisation. Whereas ladders on other clubs seem to be the main 'draw' at FGM it is the tournaments. On one hand that is good but on the other if your not in at the start you don't get the full enjoyment out of them and may still feel like an outsider looking in as you wait your turn for battle. As such it has been mentioned we could spruce up the ladders hereby giving the newcomers an immediate 'competition' to step into. I am aware of this but at present we have a DB issue (since changing to a new database and forum software) whereby new members cannot post results on our ladders as their details are not linked in automatically.... the programming by Zaraza still points to the old database and he hasn't had time to reconfigure the settings. Once this is done I do hope to add a Campaign Series, Advanced Tactics, Panzer Campaigns and Squad Battles Ladders for those games.

It has also been highlighted that I do to much on my own and need to offer up the reigns on things to other members. We are a tight nit group but I can only do so much on my own and especially now Fredrocker has been out of the loop due to personal reasons I admit I have been struggling. Fredrocker has offered to do stuff but IMO it is more important he sorts out what is going on with his personal side and he has been told in no uncertain terms to down tools until he is ready to come back.

What you see on the site is only a little of the work that has been going on... we had plans for integrated ladders within the site, an opponent finder and new chat facility but they have been put to bed until some point in the future when once again we can throw ourselves at it. Funds have been spent on securing the software for these and we still have them in our armoury to be wheeled out in the next months/years.

Which brings me to the crux of the matter.... I need help. Nope not the Alcoholics Anonymous or Samaritans but from you guys. My plan is to hand the site over to you and let you run it. I intend sitting at the top of the table and watching you guys do the horse work. Not through any reasons of laziness or such like but more for the fact that it means I can really concentrate what time I have on the things that really matter. For the members of the Blitz who are also members here my ideal model to build the FGM on in future is based on the format employed at the Blitz. Members will volunteer for roles within the FGM and I will be the 'Godfather' overseeing things much like my good friend and owner of The Blitz Jim Mays.

For this to work I need guys to step up to the plate. It is not an easy task but if each of us do a little bit across the whole FGM community it will amount to a big bit. If 20 members put in 1% extra each that is a huge 20% increase in how good the FGM can be as a whole.

I think the easiest thing for me to do is list the positions and roles that need filled and for you guys to email me privately to express an interest so I can draw up a list of who does what before unfurling the new FGM staffing structure and awarding the new members of staff the privileges that will allow them to work in and around the site. I am aware that some of you guys come here for the fun and enjoyment and to wind down and I appreciate that and don't expect everyone to have the time or willingness to put work into the site. But if a few of us can it will as mentioned earlier make the site that little bit better. So without further ado I want to jot down the positions in my opinion that need filled or are open to folk taking over. Even if some of them get picked up and some dont the overall pressure on me to do everything is reduced considerably. So.... here we go. Please if you do apply mail me privately and do understand that I need guys that are in for the long haul and are not going to leave me picking up the reigns in the short term......

1 - Homepage Updater

Knowledge required - The workings of wordpress. Simple job that only requires you to update the home page in relation to whats going on at the FGM and the war gaming world in general.

2 - CM X1 Custodian

Knowledge required - None, just a player who wants to keep this old lady alive and kicking. Assist in setting players up against each other in what is rapidly proving to be a dwindling cauldron of players. Advertising the ladder etc.

3 - CMSF Campaign Organiser

Knowledge required - None, Im looking for a CMSF player to take over the running of this tournament and to relaunch it in their own unique way. I am available to assist.

4 - Operation Overlord Campaign Assistant

Knowledge required - Scenario Building within CMBN. I can easily handle the maintenance of this beast but when it comes to creating the battles I need some assistance to speed up the process of making the battles.

5 - Ladder Custodian/Moderator

Knowledge required - Programming skills and such like PHP, MYSQL and Databases. Zaraza unfortunately doesnt have the time but I want to push the ladders here at FGM and would die for someone to have the knowledge to work on the ladders within FGM. IMO it is one of our failings.

Thats a brief outline of roles to be filled or taken on. As ever if no one can manage I will plow a lone furrow myself but help is appreciated and I am always there to step in and lend a hand in any of the above roles which I currently (apart from the new jobs created) do myself at present.

I look forward to hearing from any interested parties. If this turns out to be a success we can look forward to a golden age in FGM... and if it doesnt... hell Im still here and will do my best.

Thanks for reading

Shane a.k.a Bootie
Just cleaned this thread up to keep it on track. As I expected you guys have rallied....

Thanks to those who have taken up these positions so far.


Newsletter Editor & Networker - Das Tiger.

Double Elimination Tournament Organiser - Cargol.

Domination Sicily and Normandy Organisers - Shorker & Walter Shumate.

Welcome Committee - Hedgehog and Shorker.

Quiz Master - Daisy.


Still positions available but even the workload that these guy have taken of me is one hell of a help. Thankyou.

If anyone else is interested in any roles within the club drop me a mail.
Only one day in and things are looking bright.

We have a monthly Newsletter in production.

Domination Normandy has been updated.

Domination Sicily is moving forward under the new guys.

Double Elimination Updated.

We have a welcome committee started working.

The Quiz section has been updated.

So all round a success story so far.

zaraza has also stated he hopes to get the ladder database sorted out this week so that will be another box ticked because at present I have to submit new members results as they are not tied into the Database.

I was busy with the family today and back on night shift tonight but tomorrow I will be sorting out the Overlord Campaign (1 scenario to do) and a little bit of tinkering around the site.

Once Fredrocker is back he can look into some of the projects we have in the pipeline and not have to get tied down with the day to day stuff as the work load you have taken on is quite substantial.

Thanks to all who emailed.
Yes, Kudos to everyone.

The more and more I think about it I really feel that a kick ass Ladder will really make this site second to none (it already is for those here already). It is fantastic news to hear that Zaraza is working on it. I wish I knew how to program and I would be glad to help.
Ive had to revisit this topic as Ive found myself sudddenly overwhelmed again and have had to delete the FGM Facebook and Twitter pages as upkeep was becoming more of a hassle than a help to the site and member/potential member interaction. I had no idea why but assessing this post has made it clear to me why I found myself with no time on my hands again.

I originally posted...

So.... here we go. Please if you do apply mail me privately and do understand that I need guys that are in for the long haul and are not going to leave me picking up the reigns in the short term......

1 - Homepage Updater

Knowledge required - The workings of wordpress. Simple job that only requires you to update the home page in relation to whats going on at the FGM and the war gaming world in general.

Im currently doing this.

2 - CM X1 Custodian

Knowledge required - None, just a player who wants to keep this old lady alive and kicking. Assist in setting players up against each other in what is rapidly proving to be a dwindling cauldron of players. Advertising the ladder etc.

No one expressed an interest but it has ticked along steadily at its own pace.

3 - CMSF Campaign Organiser

Knowledge required - None, Im looking for a CMSF player to take over the running of this tournament and to relaunch it in their own unique way. I am available to assist.

No one expressed an interest but if I have time I have a small thing in the pipeline.

4 - Operation Overlord Campaign Assistant

Knowledge required - Scenario Building within CMBN. I can easily handle the maintenance of this beast but when it comes to creating the battles I need some assistance to speed up the process of making the battles.

No one expressed an interest and Im managing it myself.

5 - Ladder Custodian/Moderator

Fredrocker picked this one up for a while but hasnt been around much lately due to personal issues.

Also after my appeal in the first post this is what did get filled and where it stands now.

Newsletter Editor & Networker - Das Tiger.

We had one successful Newsletter then it sort of fizzled out due to RL commitments and our Networking has been closed as of today (Facebook and Twitter) as I was finding the workload of running that single handedly was weighing on me.

Double Elimination Tournament Organiser - Cargol.

Kudos to Cargol who is still running this.

Domination Sicily and Normandy Organisers - Shorker & Walter Shumate.

Due to illness Walter Shumate is no longer a member and Shorker is helping out on the individual threads but all updating of maps etc has fallen back into my lap.

Welcome Committee - Hedgehog and Shorker.

Both guys are still doing a good job.

Quiz Master - Daisy.

Hasnt been updated since 16th October 2012 and to be honest Im thinking of closing the Quiz section down.

So looking at the above it appears that real life commitments have conspired to rob me of a team of men I had put together to make the site better. Im not pissed or anything and am just merely pointing it out. I have also struggled with my wingman Fredrocker not being round due to his own RL commitments.

So why am I posting.... hell I dont know. I just wanted to clarify for my own sanity why I have shut down the FB and Twitter pages and have came to the conclusion that I have to cut the cloth to suit and can only do so much by myself. It is liberating as well as it opens my eyes to the size of the task here and made it clear in my eyes the way forward lies along a slightly different path. For you guys on the site there will be no big changes at all... a re-jigging of forum topics etc will be about all you will notice and thats fine. The way I market FGM will change... instead of the FB and Twitter pages I will spend half an hour each day visiting communities and posting on their sites as opposed to waiting for them to come to us. Anyways I appear to be rambling. Thanks for reading.
If it's any consolation, you are still hosting an excellent site for those with an interest in history & gaming. Personally, I think you worry too much about recruiting. I am happy with the size of our club, it seems to be about the right size. I don't lack for any opponents, and those I find here are generally good fellows. The chaff that keeps falling by the wayside are not worthy of the sweat off your brow for worrying over them. The Musket room provides for both light entertainment and on occasion, the opportunity to step up on a soapbox. The media section is chock full of new opportunities to expand ones horizons. So perhaps a pat on the back from your Buddys here will have to suffice, and world domination will have to take a back seat to being the proud Da of the Princess and this site.
Im not looking for any recognition or pats on the back. I do this because I enjoy it.... I guess Im just laying the foundations of explanation for some changes I am going to implement. Nothing ground shattering just a spring clean of the forums etc. The equilibrium of members in to members out takes a lot of work or we would be a lot smaller than we are currently. I hate it when that cron job runs and another old timer falls by the wayside but I know what you mean.. its their choice.
Quote Facman..If it's any consolation, you are still hosting an excellent site for those with an interest in history & gaming. Personally, I think you worry too much about recruiting. I am happy with the size of our club. Unquote

Some times I think we lose the meaning of our Great Club ( Big Credit to Bootie for that one ) not losing the meaning I mean for Running the Club .....And we get down to the FGM ......The Few Goodmen .....Need I say more
Ive had to revisit this topic as Ive found myself sudddenly overwhelmed again and have had to delete the FGM Facebook and Twitter pages as upkeep was becoming more of a hassle than a help to the site and member/potential member interaction. I had no idea why but assessing this post has made it clear to me why I found myself with no time on my hands again.

I originally posted...

So.... here we go. Please if you do apply mail me privately and do understand that I need guys that are in for the long haul and are not going to leave me picking up the reigns in the short term......

2 - CM X1 Custodian

Knowledge required - None, just a player who wants to keep this old lady alive and kicking. Assist in setting players up against each other in what is rapidly proving to be a dwindling cauldron of players. Advertising the ladder etc.

No one expressed an interest but it has ticked along steadily at its own pace.

I will step up in this area Bootie

5 - Ladder Custodian/Moderator
Fredrocker picked this one up for a while but hasnt been around much lately due to personal issues.[/qoute]

Quiz Master - Daisy.
Hasnt been updated since 16th October 2012 and to be honest Im thinking of closing the Quiz section down.

Don't do that I will up date it a mod it when necessary.

Look if I did the ladder manually in the past the updating of the quiz section should be a breeze.
I look at the ladder and CMx1 as one and the same no sweat from this point of view...but I may eat my words. LOL PM on it's way.
4 - Operation Overlord Campaign Assistant

Knowledge required - Scenario Building within CMBN. I can easily handle the maintenance of this beast but when it comes to creating the battles I need some assistance to speed up the process of making the battles.

No one expressed an interest and Im managing it myself.

Domination Sicily and Normandy Organisers - Shorker & Walter Shumate.

Due to illness Walter Shumate is no longer a member and Shorker is helping out on the individual threads but all updating of maps etc has fallen back into my lap.


I can help with these two -- I'll mail you and we can discuss what's involved -- Domination Sicily doesn't look too complicated if I have the right photoshop files.
Yeah thats good... Shorker I believe is still udpating the results in the threads and its the same old system of moving threads to different sections and then updating the map. Ive sent you the invite for the dropbox folder.... let me know if you can help. I have considered shutting Domination down but it is holding on with its fingertips. Im thinking the rules need tremendously simplified for it to be accessible to all....
I'm going to throw this out to the community as a whole and see what kind of feed back I get. I have spoken about this with Fredrocker just do to his relative proximity to me (he's kind of close....South Carolina's just over the mountains) and I think he might have mentioned it to you Bootie.

But anyways here's what I have to say.... I have been wanting to organize a CM meeting here in the states. Basically a long weekend of playing games at a local convention center and talking about history, CM and anything else that comes up. The weekend would be centered around a tournament of course. Just a thought. And it would be FGM centric. Which would probably increase membership.

I used to do this weekend thing with car clubs (of course no tourny being played...) and I also have some experience with chess tournaments.

Near me is a great place for conferences. http://meetings.gatlinburg.com/

Just throwing this out there.
Good Idea DT. With enough time to prepare/save I would come. I've had great visits with the Northern California contingent (mTk, Nort & Wonderjeep) and am looking forward to our 3rd such gathering.
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