Interesting Facts and Stories

Had to look that up.

“Popski's Private Army, officially No. 1 Demolition Squadron, PPA, was a unit of British Special Forces set up in Cairo in October 1942 by Major Vladimir Peniakoff. Popski's Private Army was one of several raiding units formed in the Western Desert during the Second World War. The squadron also served in Italy, and was disbanded in September 1945.

No. 1 Demolition Squadron was formed specifically to attack Field Marshal Rommel's fuel supplies, in support of General Montgomery’s offensive at El Alamein,[1] at the suggestion of Lieutenant-Colonel John Hackett. The unit became operational on 10 December 1942 as an 8th Army Special Forces unit. After the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) and the Special Air Service (SAS), PPA was the last and smallest of the three main irregular raiding, reconnaissance, and intelligence units formed during the North African Campaign.

Actor Christopher Lee, who served as an RAF intelligence officer during the Second World War was attached as liaison officer to this unit.”

- Wikipedia


If anyone was wondering why Russia lost the battle of Tsushima.....
And comedic presentation aside, all of this actually happened. :oops:

The speech draft itself had been dictated to FDR’s secretary Grace Tully at about 5 PM on Dec 7. It began, “Yesterday, Dec 7, 1941, a date which will live in world history....“ But Roosevelt scratched “world history” out with his pen, and printed over it in a spidery hand, the single word “infamy.”

Yes, the word which defined the famous speech itself was a last-minute addition. Roosevelt also added by hand another of the speech’s famous impact lines: “No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.”

Thirty-three minutes after Roosevelt finished speaking, Congress voted to declare war on Japan.

The speech was broadcast live on radio, and heard in an astounding 81 percent of American households.
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Today I read the following:

"When the USA entered WW1 in April 1917, many Native Americans welcomed the opportunity to serve in the armed forces. By September, nearly 12,000 men had registered for military service. Native women also volunteered and served as army nurses in France. Approximately 10,000 American Indians joined the Red Cross, collecting money and donating supplies to support the war effort".


"Joseph Oklahombi (1895/1960) was the most highly decorated Native American serviceman during WW1. He received a Silver Citation Star and the Croix de Guerre, France’s highest military honor for gallantry, after he and twenty-three other men rushed a German stronghold near Saint-Etienne in Oct 1918, capturing 171 prisoners and killing about 79".
These overshoes were made for British S.O.E. agents operating in Asia and the Pacific during WWII. When the agent landed on a beach from the sea, the “footprints” were intended to fool the Japanese into thinking that he was a barefoot native.


According to IVM information, made of rubber, cast in the form of bare human feet. Each 'shoe' has tying tapes for fitting to the wearer's conventional boots/shoes.

So they left prints in the sand that looked like the bare footprints of local people. Heavy boot prints would have been an instant giveaway.

The National Wallace Monument (generally known as the Wallace Monument) is a 67 m (220 ft) tower on the shoulder of the Abbey Craig, a hilltop overlooking Stirling in Scotland. It commemorates Sir William Wallace, a 13th- and 14th-century Scottish hero.

Scottish hero for two centuries, you say? :)

Really interesting...

The Canadian National Vimy Memorial is situated 175 kilometres north of Paris, in Vimy Ridge. It honours 11,285 Canadian soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the battle of Vimy Ridge during the First World War. This iconic memorial was designed by renowned architect Walter Allward (1874/1955). It took 11 years to complete and was officially unveiled in 1936 by King Edward VIII.
If you look closely at the memorial, you’ll notice two columns and a figurine. The columns symbolize the friendship between Canada and France and the figurine represents Canada mourning her fallen sons.


The architect and sculptor Walter Allward beat out 160 other proposals. At the time he told reporters that the design had come to him in a dream.

Canadians built the $1.5 million structure into the side of the hill at the highest point of Vimy Ridge on land given to Canada from France. The monument sits on a bed of about 15,000 tonnes of concrete and is reinforced with hundreds of tonnes of steel. The deepest part of the foundation is under the monument’s eastward facing front walls, where it goes down 13 metres.

According to Veterans Affairs Canada, the memorial’s base and twin pylons contain almost 6,000 tonnes of a special type of abnormally durable limestone from Croatia. The 20 sculptured figures that make up the structure were carved where they sit. The team of carvers used half-size plaster models produced by Allward. To accomplish this they used pantographs to properly scale the figures up. Finishing touches were then added by Allward.

These crews worked inside temporary studios built around each figure, including those at the top of the pylons. The pylons rise 27 metres above the base of the monument.
French soldier Georges Roy, who lost his eyes and arms in the WW1, marries Marguerite Lavenue in Paris. They were both from the same town in Normandy but barely knew each other. She heard of his situation after he was wounded, and she offered to marry him in late Oct 1917.

The National Wallace Monument (generally known as the Wallace Monument) is a 67 m (220 ft) tower on the shoulder of the Abbey Craig, a hilltop overlooking Stirling in Scotland. It commemorates Sir William Wallace, a 13th- and 14th-century Scottish hero.
Click the link below to see some photos of our visit to the area a few years ago whilst we were on holiday , along with a few others, - the museum inside Stirling Castle has some amazing artefacts.

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