It's Bootie's Birthday

I wouldn't worry about it too much Bootie. I have your KG file, he is the one who is straggling.
Amazing, Bootie's only 33 and has been running FGM for 8 years, that's longer than most wars..:)

FGM- 8
Nam- 8
WW2- 6
English Civil War- 6
American War of Indep- 6
WW1- 4
American Civil War- 4
Korean War- 3

PS- Hey Bootie, as a matter of interest how much cash does FGM cost you to run?
I'm sure many members fingers (including mine) are hovering over the Donate button on the Home page wondering how much to send you as a birthday present..:)
HAHAHA... yeah I would be classed as a veteran of websites now.

As for the cost of running FGM... to be honest it isnt that costly. All things considered we run at anywhere between £300-500 a year. But there are so many little things to add to that total... posting prizes, a photobucket pro account and the £200 odd quid I splashed out on the forum software and it all begins to add up. When you look at it like that it is actually quite a cheap hobby. Its when you want to expand and have better software that the costs increase. The real cost of running FGM is in the time commitment. Im on here most days doing some kind of updating or posting. A typical day on the website being...

* Log on and check the new posts.... reply to a few of them.
* Have a quick scan at the tournaments and campaigns to make sure they are all progressing.
* Update the domination map.
* Reply to my private emails and visitor messages.
* Maybe tweak some graphics on the site.
* Go into the back room and run the auto prune system which I cycle everyday. I need to go in and tell it to auto delete all members who havent shown face in 3 months.
* Go through new registrations ensuring none are spam bots.

Break for coffee.

* Update the FGM face book page.
* Have a cursory glance at other wargaming websites to ensure we are not missing out on any exciting news.

Break for coffee and pbems.

And it goes on.... quite a lot to do. And obviously with the likes of Domination and CS Ladder that need updated manually it can be quite time consuming hence my look to eventually automate these systems.

But you know what... I wouldnt change it for the world.
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