Slysniper AAR
Pre battle plan.
After reviewing the Terrain, My decisions were. My assault would need to be the left bridge, since there was low ground on the far side that would give shelter from the enemy dug in positions once across the bridge.
So I would have to take the left objective while somehow keeping the right objective under fire and pinned or blocked from view to my actions on the left.
Then from the point that was taken, move along the back of the map to take the right flank objective.
My armor car was going to be my base of fire, figuring it would hold up to any enemy small arms fire. That was it, the rest would come from what I run into during the battle
Start of battle
Run my armor car from left to right flank to see if it draws any fire
it did not but we do receive fire from the left objective to a few troops I have prepared for long range fire support seen below
The car goes behind the woods , turns around and positions to give give to the area of fire we received activity from while not exposing itslf to any more enemy lines than neccesary.
I had pre ordered arty on that trench line anyway, so it will come somewhat into play also as to affecting that trench.