I've finally watched World at War, so what next?

  • Thread starter The Fisher King
  • Start date
You can also buy an entire set of "Die Deutsche Wochenschau" Not a documentary, but German newsreels that cover everything from the manufacture of helmets to combat on the Eastern Front. I have a 23 DVD set that covers the period 1939 to April 1945. LOTS of combat action and coverage of home front activities, ceremonies and other little interesting scenes.

That sounds excellent, where could I find it?
Sorry for hijacking the thread, so will make amends by suggesting a WW2 video box set NOT to get.

WWII, A Filmed History From the National Archives (24 DVD's)

Watched a few of them, but nothing was keeping my attention.
You can also buy an entire set of "Die Deutsche Wochenschau" Not a documentary, but German newsreels that cover everything from the manufacture of helmets to combat on the Eastern Front. I have a 23 DVD set that covers the period 1939 to April 1945. LOTS of combat action and coverage of home front activities, ceremonies and other little interesting scenes.

There are also the "Why We Fight" documentaries available, as well as, others. :)
I suspect you'd find the same decrease in "substantive" news for all western television over that period, regardless of the political stripe in power at the time. Infotaintment, and pundits pandering to the lowest common denominator on left or right, has basically ruined television news.

I will also put a vote in for "The War" by Ken Burns....am watching it now in dribs and drabs when time permits. Some very good combat footage in there including the assault on (I think) Pelieau....you can hear the bullets bouncing off the Amtracks so it ain't no staged after battle shot.

Check out "The Civil War" by Burns as well. Really great stuff.
Thanks for all of the suggestions, I can get "Behind closed door"s on my DVD club so I think that will be next.

I bought my set on Ebay from a company in Phoenix, AZ. I looked up ebay and found NO entries for this series. I assume the PC police have banned it. There are volumes on Amazon, but they are short and segmented. You would have to buy 100 to get the full thing. Run it throught Google and you will find many places that sell it.

You can find large parts of Die Deutsche Wochenschau on Youtube and as mentioned above.
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