Join the Australian Police Force.



A man is seeking to join the Australian Police Force.

The Sergeant doing the interview says: "Your qualifications all look good, but there is an Attitude Suitability Test that you must take before you can be accepted."

Then, sliding a pistol across the desk, he says: "Take this pistol and go out and shoot six illegal immigrants, six drug dealers, six Muslim extremists and a rabbit."

"Why the rabbit?"

"Great attitude," says the Sergeant. "When can you start?"
LOL...good one. It is my understanding that private citizens in Australia are not allowed to own that true or am I misinformed?
Lord Bane
Yes, we are allowed to own firearms, but we have to jump through so many hoops, it's not worth it. It costs a small fortune to get the license, state and federal police checks, medical checks, and they will reject you for next to nothing. You can only get a firearm if you are 1: a farmer 2: a member of a gun club(hard to get into), and that is it. Even then there are large restrictions on what you can get. You can't get any semi auto rifles, only single shot. Basically they have taken the firearm off the honest man, and only the criminals have them. When you do get a firearm you have to have a "firearm safe" to store it in, and the police come around every 6-12 months to check that it is in the safe properly. They will also do surprise visits. you can only have it out of the safe to take it to where you are going to use it and then back. There is no "concealed handguns" allowed(police & criminals only).
That is a shame. Isn't there any way for the citizens of Australia to attempt to repeal that?
No, not a chance. We run on the Westminster system, same as the Poms. We have a party call "The Australian Shooters Party" that have got some seats in parliament. Not enough to change any laws, though some have been loosened, but that took a long time. and don't forget the good old Aussie attitude of "she'll be right mate, we'll worry about that later."
Yes are immigration laws were good, until Elma Fudd(Kevin Rudd) got into power. We went from having 2-3 boats of illegal immigrates a year under John Howard, to 110 so far, in the 2 years since Elma Fudd changed the laws. Now all of our detention centers a full, and we now have to pay for them to build more. His reaction is knee jerk and nothing gets fixed, except him having to spend more of our money on the problem.
Glad to hear that it is hard to own a Firearm in Australia just like the UK, You just don't need them I feel they can cause more trouble than they are worth,
Wow, really? Don't you want the ability to protect yourself in the event that the police can't or won't? Why shouldn't you be trusted to have your own firearms as long as you are a law abiding citizen?
Lord Bane
Wow, really? Don't you want the ability to protect yourself in the event that the police can't or won't? Why shouldn't you be trusted to have your own firearms as long as you are a law abiding citizen?
Lord Bane

Is the US that unsafe that you have to worry about protecting yourself ? With a firearm even ?

How many violent deaths are there in the US annually ? Is that, relatively, more or less then, say, the UK ?

BTW, as we''ve seen in the past, even law abiding citizens can go berserk and start a killingspree with their trusted firearm(s).
Is the US that unsafe that you have to worry about protecting yourself ? With a firearm even ?
In some parts of the country I would say yes, mostly the inner cities. Where I live, no, far from it.
How many violent deaths are there in the US annually ? Is that, relatively, more or less then, say, the UK ?
How should I know? I will let you look up the statistics.
BTW, as we''ve seen in the past, even law abiding citizens can go berserk and start a killingspree with their trusted firearm(s).
That is true, but it is a very rare thing. Should the rest of us not be trusted and our firearms taken away? You seem to not trust your fellow man to own a gun. You do understand that criminals will still have them if you take them away from the lawful citizens.
What I meant was: do you really think that the right to own fire arms has made the US a safer country to live in ? I think it is the other way round, but perhaps in the Netherlands we only hear about the incidents in which fire arms are used in the wrong way i.e in the wrong hands.

If there is a death in the Netherlands by a fire arms it is national news. Of course we are way smaller but with a population of more then 16 million it is still a very rare incident. Usually such a killing occur among criminals.

It continue to surprise me: we in Europe (the Netherlands for sure) dress about the same, eat more or less the same (but in smaller portions :biggrin:),listen to the same music and watch the same movies as the people in the US, but our view(s) on the world differ hugely.

Still, as long as we don't talk politics, I guess we get along OK and I hope to visit the US someday, because it is a beautiful country and I envy you because of the space and natural beauty etc.
Love to get that "welcome" treatment at customs and to know how a convicted criminal must feel during checking in in prison without actually committing a crime. Apart of course from trying to get into the US ! :rockon:

It continue to surprise me: we in Europe (the Netherlands for sure) dress about the same, eat more or less the same (but in smaller portions ),listen to the same music and watch the same movies as the people in the US, but our view(s) on the world differ hugely.

I agree with that. I read somewhere once that the United States spends more on it's defense budget every year than ALL of NATO combined. I am sure that the Netherlands spends some money on it's defense but I am sure it is a very small percentage on its GDP. This gives you more of your GDP to spend on your social programs. Europe has lived in an artifical enviornment for some time as America has helped to keep the peace there for generations. But if the United States diminshes then the Netherlands may find itself in a Europe not unlike that of 100 years ago. Then I wonder if you will be able to keep your current "view" on the world. What was the Netherlands view on the world from 1940-1945 I wonder?
I encourage you to visit the US, we have our problems but it is a great place.

Lord Bane
According to the databases of SIPRI ( in 2007 the Netherlands spend 1.5% of their GDP ($ 10,152 million) and the USA 4% ($ 524,591 million). The years before are about the same for both countries. Germany 1.3% ($ 37,233 million), the UK 2.4% ($ 55,746 million), France 2.3% ($ 53,403 million). So you could well be right that the US spends more then the rest of NATO combined.
Defense budget of the USA is the largest in the world.

But I think we spend more on our social programs, welfare etc then the 3,5% deficit between our defense budgets. It is not a simple choice/difference between selfprotection and social conscience. We spend a lot more on international aidprograms to then the US. Not in dollars but pecentage wise we do. We don't expect industrial orders in return either, like the US often does. But that is a whole different story.

Perhaps the frontier spirit is so deeply rooted in Amercan society that there is always a concern about safety.

Don't know if and how the world will change if the USA would retreat (like they did in the 1930's). Don't know if they ever will (ever heard of the so-called "Bilderberg group" ?).
But I'm the USA (and the Canadians and English) grateful for their sacrefices made in WW2. And their economical support afterwards. Despite they stole the Dutch gold kept in Fort Knox...
Defense budget of the USA is the largest in the world.

There is no "concealed handguns" allowed(police & criminals only).

But criminals arn't allowed them are they?

Over here it is very rare to see a police officer with a firearm. They are only used by specialised, highly trained teams. And even then they keep them in a locked compartment of their car most of the time.

As for the USA and its high gun crime rate, (it is proportionally MUCH higher than the UK), the number of guns is probably not the problem. Although I see no need for private citizens in a civilised society to own firearms, i do see why people want to own and fire them, and if they can be held in organised clubs where they can allways be fired when its safe, IE on a range then i can't see the harm in that. Canada in terms of guns per people has more guns than the US, yet its gun crime rate is much much lower, so i think its just in terms of social attitudes.

Oh and btw, in the US, i understand you are feeling the fallout from the mexican drug wars in some states, guess where most of those guns that are used in the mexican drugs wars are legally purchased? I saw a documentary where they showed a confiscated american sold M2 0.50 cal machine gun!
Some of my old school pals emigrated to Oz after leaving school in the mid 1960's, I seriously thought of going too because in those days the Oz Govt had an 'Assisted Passage Scheme' which meant pom's only had to pay £10 (peanuts) towards the air fare.
But what put me off was the fact that you had to have a job ready and waiting for you in Oz before they'd let you go, and I didn't fancy sweating in some factory. I made a few enquiries about getting an outdoor job such as a forest ranger, but nothing concrete came up.
One plan I had was to take any old job just to get into Oz, then quickly jack it in and vanish into the outback, build a cabin and live a self-sufficient type of life like Croc Dundee, but in the end I just couldn't be bothered so I stayed in england..:)
Oh and btw, in the US, i understand you are feeling the fallout from the mexican drug wars in some states, guess where most of those guns that are used in the mexican drugs wars are legally purchased? I saw a documentary where they showed a confiscated american sold M2 0.50 cal machine gun!

That is the propaganda put out by the Anti-Gun lobby. There are cheap guns to be had in Central America that are fully automatic not to mention, grenades, grenade launchers etc. Besides, you are again saying that if you make guns illegal you will solve the problem. That is just not the case as the drug dealers will still have guns but then the citizens won't. That was johnsy's point BTW.
Lord Bane
That is the propaganda put out by the Anti-Gun lobby. There are cheap guns to be had in Central America that are fully automatic not to mention, grenades, grenade launchers etc. Besides, you are again saying that if you make guns illegal you will solve the problem. That is just not the case as the drug dealers will still have guns but then the citizens won't. That was johnsy's point BTW.
Lord Bane

It was a british made documentary, shown on a mainstream TV channel, it showed an interview with either a ATF or FBI agent who said to the camera that the .50 cal was bought in a gun shop in the US and was confiscated on its way to or from mexico. If you want to call that propoganda from the Anti-Gun lobby fine. No making guns illegal will not stop the supply of guns to mexico but it will make them at least harder to get for a while, it would be doing something.

And i mean really, why would you possibly need a .50 cal, do home invaders have APCs over there?
LOL...That is one gun. I was taking issue with this statement.
......where most of those guns that are used in the mexican drugs wars are legally purchased?

As far as should folks be allowed to own such weapons as a .50 Cal., I say why not. As long as they pass the back ground checks involved with owning weapons and are law abiding citizens, then why not. There are many people here who own .50 Cal rifles and you don't hear about them shooting up the neiborhood. Some folks over here just like to shoot guns for recreation. Infact, shockingly enough, I just went to the local range yesterday and burned off a magazine or two from my legally purchased AK-47. What is wrong with that??

Lord Bane
You Aussies are not much different then up here in the great white north, Canada . It is funny that per capita we have more guns the or friends south of the border.
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