Join the Australian Police Force.

Another interesting fact about Canada is our criminals get most of their guns brought across the US border.
But criminals arn't allowed them are they?

No criminals aren't suppose to have them. But changing the laws like the did just made it easier for them to get them.
I think we should do what the Israelis do, and every person when they turn 18 has to join one of the armed forces for 4 years, and if they can't, they should join a civilian organisation that will give them structure and discipline. You can weed out most of the mad ones, and teach the rest responsible gun ownership.
I want a firearm, if I had one I would shoot that **** who ****ed on my doorstep. So perhaps I better not have one.
From what I hear, the only people with guns in Australia are the psychos who prowl the outback shooting at 'roos, dingos and backpackers..;)

Incidentally even if guns were totally banned in all countries, crooks would make their own, I reckon a crude homemade job was used against me when I was walking home after dark a few years ago; 3 shots rang out of the shadows across the street, 2 whizzed past my head and smacked into the side of a nearby house, and the third hit me in the calf. It barely broke the skin and the projectile (a half-inch silver ball-bearing) bounced into the gutter and I just carried on walking home, huh lousy marksmanship.
I called the police who searched the area but the unseen sniper was long gone.
I gave the story to the local paper but they never bothered to print it presumably because such incidents were so common that they were no longer newsworthy.
It was in the notorious inner-city drug gang area of Highfields in Leicester (England) where I lived for 5 years before moving to Plymouth, it's very quiet here and I miss the nostalgic crackle of gunfire,the smell of gunpowder and the moonlight romantically glinting off flashing machetes..
New Zealand restricts handgun and automatic weapon ownership to pistol club members and collectors respectively. Semi-autos are fine, but you have a magazine size restriction (I think ten rounds) and, in a slightly non-sensical move, you can't really buy military style weapons even if they have been limited to 10 shot semi-auto. You need a firearms licence and a locked cabinet to put the guns in, which I don't have a problem with.

Plenty of people own shotguns and rabbit or deer rifles. My family have a .22 rabbit rifle, and two deer rifles, which used to be my fathers. Don't think anyone in NZ feels much need to own handguns (apart from the pistol club people), although it would be fun to shoot them. Air rifles and air pistols are ok.

I think it's fairly well understood that having guns in the house for self-defence results in many more family members dying in accidents than home intruders ever get shot. However I can also understand the distrust of government and wish to protect themselves that results in the US having a great deal of attachment to their more liberal gun laws. Each to their own....
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