Kimmy has a question

Ha, I missed something. Interesting. So... how many proposals of marriage have you received already? :tongue:

Kidding, it's not that unlikely - my wife's an avid gamer too and even owns her own wargaming army. It's a bit odd to see one take interest in WW2. I've never met one before (and I'Ve met REALLY strange women during the last 15 years!). Anyway, a hearty welcome from me as well!
It's like Bee's round a Honey Pot.......Never as there ever been so much interest in a New member.......I think i will ask her if she fancies a game....Just to show her we are true gamer's ........

Actually I think its more like a pack of dogs chasing a car :laughing: There is another gal out there ( not a member here )that goes bye the handle "Broadsword" that will give ya a hard way to go in the game of your choice.
What would be even funnier would be that Kimmy is a guy and he said that as a throwaway funny comment and now you guys all look stupid and Kimmy is to embarrassed to retract the statement.

Oh noes boss, they're onto us!

Hah I'd be happy to take away any doubts on voice chat if it's really important to anyone. But hey as nice as the enthousiasm is, don't put me on a pedestal. For all you know I might be a terrible CM commander!
I found it via the Battlefront forums, one of the members put up a link to someone asking for other people to play with.
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