Looking for 2vs2 players




I would like to play a 2 vs 2 game and I need another 2 players for that. Preferably those two should be together in one time zone but (preferably) NOT from Europe. That is because we are already two guys from GMT+1 and we can do a turn a day on a regular basis. If the other team is in a different time zone and also manages a turn a day then the game can be finished in a reasonable time.

Something small to medium for starters at around 45-60 minutes. QB, scenario and sides are open to discussion.

Please send me an email.
Yes, What are you thinking of? I'm up for it. FAC, want to be a team?
The mechanics are quite easy. First we need a setup that supports two players. That means that each side has at least two different groups of troops that can be sensibly ordered by two different persons. How that is done is up to the team.

The game would be played like this: we have Team A & B with player 1 & 2. A1 orders his part of the troops then SAVES the turn (NO red button). Send this file to A2. A2 orders and presses red button. The turn is now send to team B who processes it likewise.
The order of the turns in the team is arbitrary. I suggest a first come, first take schema where the taker leaves a mesage (=a file) in the common folder.
A downside of this is that H2HH does not support it (yet). But I will ask... :)
Sure, but alas, I didn't see the post soon enough.

Id94 already chimed in for 2nd seat.

Good luck fellas. Let me know how it works.

But poesel will need a team mate. Right poesel73? FAC and I against you and idiot94?
But poesel will need a team mate. Right poesel73?

we are already two guys from GMT+1

As you can see, Poesel already has a teammate. We'll have to see if Id94 is in a close timezone and can make the 1 turn per day commitment. If he can, then I see no place for me in this challenge.
Idiot94 - which time zone do you live in?

There is also something which I should have put in my first post but forgot. So I'm just suggesting that the other team members should know each other. There will be a lot of consultation necessary so good communication is important.
I'm still looking for 2 players.
Please - find some one you want to play with, ask him if he's available and then post here and/or send me an email.
Sir, yes sir! I am in Eastern Standard Time. (not sure how many GMT + though.. sorry.. probably +6 )
GMT+6 would locate you in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan or Sri Lanka ;)
I think you meant GMT-6.

So are you and DasTiger a team now? If so then please drop me a mail.
Or is it Facman and Tiger? This not a tournament but still with 4 players some kind of comittment. So please make up your mind(s).
Guys, let me step down from this one. I have a lot on my plate right now and sometimes I must remember that.
If you get another of these games going, I'd be keen to get involved.
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