Looking for 2vs2 players

Well, lets set one up then.
Players with pretty high turn rate preferred.

Someone want to team with me????

Game Rules - Negotiable

Meeting Engagement on Large Map:
Team A chooses map - Team B chooses Axis or Allies
Large force split between 2
Maximum Armour Rule *33% .
Organic Arty Restriction OFF
Elite Difficulty
Standard Rarity

Yea, the first question for the current gamers would be, how did they compose a force?
You can't save during purchase.

I suppose player 1 spends half the points, takes a snapshot of it or makes a list so that player 2 can spend their points & and player 1's to his list.
That's how I think we should go about it anyway Diablo.

Might make a good AAR.
Yea, the first question for the current gamers would be, how did they compose a force?
You can't save during purchase.

I suppose player 1 spends half the points, takes a snapshot of it or makes a list so that player 2 can spend their points & and player 1's to his list.
That's how I think we should go about it anyway Diablo.

Might make a good AAR.
yes is agree, this is the best solution!
Some feedback: we agreed to play conscript/green US vs. Italy. No other special rules. On our side jby did the whole shopping. I just told him roughly what I wanted and that was that.

In retrospect I should have chosen a different map. As the game currently unfolds it is rather a 2x 1vs1 than 2vs2.
The map is medium with a river separating US and Italians and rather open (CMFI). Force size was large as this would make - we thought - buying two separate forces more easily.

It would have been more interesting the other way round with a smaller force on a larger and more cluttered map. If everyone has his own battallion and is more or less self-sufficient there is no need for cooperation.


Here's a description of the process. This works fairly smoothly so far. As long as H2HH doesn't support 2vs2 sending mail notices to your team mate and the other team is very important.

Team A&B with players 1&2.
There is a common dropbox folder for both teams (the common folder). This will only hold the finished turns (.ema - no .bts).
Each team also has a separate folder which is not shared with the other team (.bts - no .ema)(the team folder).

1) Team A finishes its moves and creates:

"2vs2 ME 010.ema"

in the common folder.

2) Player 1 from Team B sees the file first and copies it into his incoming

3) Player 1 renames the file in the dropbox to:

2vs2 ME 010 Player 1.ema

Thus player 2 knows now that player 1 has the file and is doing his move.

Optional: send a mail to your teammate. That may be advisable especially in the beginning until we get used to the procedure.

4) Player 1 makes his move and saves the file. The file created would be:

"2vs2 ME 011.bts"

Because we copied in step 2) before we renamed it in 3) the original filename is still in place. But CM automatically ups the file number. Append your name or 'save'.

"2vs2ME 011 Player 1.bts"

This file will be copied to the team folder. Player 1 then sends an email to Player 2 that the turn is finished.

5) Player 2 copies the .bts into his save game folder. He makes his move and presses the red button. Now he has just to remove the name of the other player or whatever he had put behind the number. The file:

"2vs2 ME 011.ema"

will be created (after adjusting the name). This file is copied into the common folder.

Optional: send an email to the other team (same reason as above).

Goto 1)
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