Looking for a game

Installing 3.0 upgrade now...bit of a gong show getting all the files!
Tell me when your ready Mauser and I'll send you a file

want a scenario or a quick battle?

Mirror match?
Ok, I've FINALLY got my CMBN 3.0 and modules updated and activated...what a task!

ARCH, please go ahead and send along a QB...I feel like doing some unit purchasing! ;)
Excellent, I'm around working all day so should be sending a few turns.
Happy hunting.
Everything arrive on your end Arch? No rush, just making sure we are properly connected.
Thanks for the replies, helpful when trying to figure out if there is a problem, lets me know im not losing my mind.
No worries ARCH, but nothing's shown up on my end yet...lemme see what I can do.
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