Meat Grinder's House of Horrors!

Notice at the 51-2 second mark the Hit Marker in the upper left corner... Scratch One Sherman... I am just trying to save face


Shorker and I seem to be kindred spirits, at least when it comes to Combat Mission.

This is from a mirror match CMFB game, German attack. Shorker has pretty much stopped me dead in my tracks in my Kraut attack. I still seem to have a bit of life left in my Yank defense.

Behold! Two PZIVs KO'd in one turn, the left one by a long range Zook hit, the right one by a rifle grenade!
Ouch! Surely @Buckykatt would have had sound contacts there?

I'm sure he did. I had two Pumas back there. One took out a Stuart on the dirt road in an ambush, but was subsequently taken out by the allied armor (stuarts and greyhounds) that had already advanced.

I had another Puma behind the first one, "in the rear with the gear". ;-) Let's see if it can further capitalize on this tactical advantage.
Can you still hold up the camera while my 42s are mowing down the landscape?
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