Military Rations

I've used my P-38 at home in dire emergencies. It is still on the chain with my dog tags. In AIT I remember making a grill by digging a small shallow ditch for my Sterno can, placing the separated rods from my rifle cleaning kit (stored in the butt of my M-16) across the ditch and heating the C-ration can. It was 1971 and the can was dated 1956. Was still good, all except the "Ham and MFers".
What are MFer's?
A can of Ham and Eggs. Heated or not, they were awful. They gave you a box that contained a small pack of cigarettes ( 3 IIRC), some chocolate, a small pack of toilet paper ( just a few sheets) and 2 cans. One contained fruit, the other was your main entree. Anything was acceptable except Ham and MFers. Normally if you got something you didn’t like, you could find someone who would be willing to trade with you, but not Ham and MFers. :p
A can of Ham and Eggs. Heated or not, they were awful. They gave you a box that contained a small pack of cigarettes ( 3 IIRC), some chocolate, a small pack of toilet paper ( just a few sheets) and 2 cans. One contained fruit, the other was your main entree. Anything was acceptable except Ham and MFers. Normally if you got something you didn’t like, you could find someone who would be willing to trade with you, but not Ham and MFers. :p

Found one for ya. Mmmmmmm, Mmmm!!!

Found one for ya. Mmmmmmm, Mmmm!!!

Disappointed in the pears, but everything else looked about right. Always appreciated the paint particles. Added a little something special. Can't believe they DQ'ed the cigs. They were about the only thing healthy in the whole box. Now you can see where the "MFers" came from.
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