My 1st project

  • Thread starter The Fisher King
  • Start date
I'm using Tamiya Acrylic paint so I only need water
Bootie: if you're using Tamiya Acrylics, it also thins very well with isopropyl alcohol (also called denatured alcohol)...which is largely what their official acrylic thinners are made of. For washing up water is fine...but for actually thinning the paint (especially if you are using an airbrush) water is not the best.

BTW the current formulation of Tamiya acrylics are not great for brush painting, but they are damn fine for if you're a brush painter, be warned. For brush painters who want acrylics I would recommend Vallejo acrylic paint for brushing around.
I've now added the Camo pattern which is meant to be from 1944. I really don't think it has worked, it looks reallt artificial to me. It looks very much painted-on, all very disappointing.


However this is a learning project and I would very much appreciate any tips you guys have for Camo patterns.

I'm going to push ahead with the figures this weekend.
If you use a light wash of the dark brown, it may just blend the camo perfectly...and its lookng great so far...
I agree with Airborne Bob, a wash of dark brown should blend the colors nicely. Great work so far.
What sort of dilution 1:2, paint:water?

I presume I should cover all the boadywork.
Something like 1:5, or even thinner, I would think.

Add a drop of detergent to break the surface tension and help it wash into the crevices, and cover the whole outside of the model...the idea being the faint brown wash will help the edges of the camou colours blend into the base colour.

As a bonus it will help pick out your rivets, and get into the wheel spokes...where it looks like there might be some unpainted spots?

I've started planning my next project.......
If that is all to scale ...the german HT's were not very big eh?
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