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Napoleonic Battles-Campaign Leipzig

First (PC) wargame I ever bought (without counting RISK as a wargame) back in 2000 was Horse 'n Musket (http://www.helium.com/items/1462260...-great-battles-of-the-18th-century-for-the-pc). Sadly I can't get it to work anymore because it ran under Windows 95/98 and won't under Windows XP.

It was just prior to the Napoleontic era and I put quite a lot of hours into it! Of course, I wasn't married yet back then....

This one though, looks much better and is on a murch larger scale. It is also a lot newer of course.
I have an operational level Leipzig battle going via pbem at the moment ( scenario 075 ) 353 turns as the Coalition. The scenarios range from 8 turns to 500 if I am not mistaken. From what I have seen so far this is the best of the series. I have been playing the Tiller Napoleonic war titles since the days of Talonsoft,some time around 1996 or 97,my first title being "Prelude to Waterloo". I have to admit that I don't think the solo play AI has really improved alot in that time ( I my be wrong about that...just an opinion ) but I primarily play Multiplayer via PBEM. The game I am playing at the moment if Andy holds out to the bitter end will take close to a year to finish. Have played battles over the years via pbem with as many as 6 players.

From looking at the link you provided in your initial post, I take it this series of games is quite similar in its mechanics to the Panzer Campaigns series? I have most of them including the Modern Campaign series and like them a lot. I usually have 4 games going on at any one time. Are there any AARs you can point me too? I'd like to take a closer look at this series.

From looking at the link you provided in your initial post, I take it this series of games is quite similar in its mechanics to the Panzer Campaigns series? I have most of them including the Modern Campaign series and like them a lot. I usually have 4 games going on at any one time. Are there any AARs you can point me too? I'd like to take a closer look at this series.

Damn !!! theres no telling who you are going to run into around here...How ya been Enigma ?? been a few years. This is Paladin ( Steel Beasts ) . Yes the mechanics are very similar to the Panzer Campaigns, as for AAR's I will have to take a look around.

Found some over at gamesquad http://forums.gamesquad.com/forumdisplay.php?204-Napoleonic-Battles look in the sub-forums top of page
Yo 7Th!
Can you tell me if these games are playable on Win 7?
I am particularly interested in the Waterloo Campaign.
Yo 7Th!
Can you tell me if these games are playable on Win 7?
I am particularly interested in the Waterloo Campaign.

They should be Facman, as stated prior I have most of the Panzer Campaigns series and I have a fairly new system...purchased in April of 2011 which does use Windows 7 as its OS. I have had no problems at all.
Damn !!! theres no telling who you are going to run into around here...How ya been Enigma ?? been a few years. This is Paladin ( Steel Beasts ) . Yes the mechanics are very similar to the Panzer Campaigns, as for AAR's I will have to take a look around.

Found some over at gamesquad http://forums.gamesquad.com/forumdisplay.php?204-Napoleonic-Battles look in the sub-forums top of page

Hey Paladin!

Good to see you are still alive and kickin. I've been starting to visit the Steel Beasts forums more lately, almost expecting to see you there. Did you get the SBPE upgrade? We've got three crewable Russian vehicles now including a beautifully done, 3D interior T-72M1 tank. H2H games have just gotten better. Thanks for the link to the AAR, I'll be studying it...always been interested in Napoleonic era...just never enough time to play all these games that have come out. Sure is a great time to be a wargamer. Talk to you later.
Yo 7Th!
Can you tell me if these games are playable on Win 7?
I am particularly interested in the Waterloo Campaign.

I still run XP so have no hands on experience with Windows7. I don't know of any one having problems but to be safe check out the following link at HPS simulations for more information as I believe you need to alter the default installation path. http://www.hpssims.com/vistahelp.htm In addition I would go to the link for the NWC I posted above ( you will have to register) or the Napoleonic s forum section at gamesquad and post about Win7 issues if there are any. Both forums have HPS and JTS staff present. Unfortunately HPS simulations does not have its own forum nor does John Tiller Games.

Although its one of the older games in the series its still actively played and opponents are available over at the NWC. In addition there are graphics mods available with alternate terrain and unit graphics. In all the titles of the series team play is possible which really raises the bar and is a heck of a lot of fun.
I've played many of Tiller's ACW games, unfortunately I could never find anyone one to play PBEM. I hope that won't be the case here as I just ordered Waterloo.
I've played many of Tiller's ACW games, unfortunately I could never find anyone one to play PBEM. I hope that won't be the case here as I just ordered Waterloo.

I have four pbem battles going at the moment. Two Campaign leipzig one Campaign Jena -Auerstaedt and One Campaign Waterloo I am seeing 4 or 5 request for Waterloo opponents over at the NWC over the last month. There is the NWC ( but you will have to join the club and pick an army ) and The Blitzkrieg war gaming club .Those two I believe are your best options for pbem battles. I have nothing against the Blitz but I think there are more opponents available at the NWC as it specializes more with the HPS Napoleonic titles. You can join the French Grand Armee,The Russian,Austrian,Prussian,Swedish or Anglo Allied army which includes the Brunswick,Portuguese and Spanish brigades and the Dutch-Belgian corp. Other Napoleonic titles are supported as well like Histwar Les Grognards and the Battleground series from matrix and a couple of Grand Strategy titles.
Before I forget this is a two way street...If any of you happen to register on the forums over at the NWC I have a thread started for the FGM in the off topic forum...please add something to it. Although the NWC is a Napoleonic wargaming club it doesn't mean its the only game genre those folks play.
In some ways the battles of 1813 we see Napolean at his suprime best .
In some ways the battles of 1813 we see Napolean at his suprime best .

Agreed....But unfortunately for him the army he takes into the field does not have the quality and experience of those French armies that came before it. His available cavalry probably being the most glaring deficiency.
I've played many of Tiller's ACW games, unfortunately I could never find anyone one to play PBEM. I hope that won't be the case here as I just ordered Waterloo.

Hey Facman ....if you got waterloo and want to set up a pbem battle let me know.
