Nelsons Gallery

Thanks Ted... I agree with you... once suggested on BF forum, that it would be good to be able to breakdown the first 5 minutes, to be able to convoy forces onto the map... instead of 5, 10, 15 minutes, etc... it would be better to go 1,2,3,4,5, 10, 15 minutes, etc.

20 minutes to breakfast, Combat mission scenario played in real time with no icons. Paused game when on overload, when fired at, in the hope of finding the enemy. Unable to add my audio... start a slow, but a fun game made evil with no icons.

Played through your 20 mins to breakfast scenario as the British and managed to get a draw with about ten less casualties than Jerry. I thought I had a jump on him at about the 13 minute mark even though at that point I had lost one of the Stuarts. Wasn't to be as that 37mm AT gun seemed to 'come back from the dead' and knocked out the second Stuart along with two of the half-tracks. Nasty little nail biter. :)

Only issue was Jerry never really had a chance at the crossroads after his infantry were cut down in the wheat field on their side of the map from a line of lee enfields behind the hedgerows. By the time the Pz III rumbled forward it was a sitting duck for the Piats since it had no infantry support. But I never had a read chance at 'Nelson's Shed' anyway so call it even. :D

Still great fun.
Thanks @Ithikial, glad it was fun. Tried to keep it full of action, one you can go back to, before breakfast when you got a 20-30 minutes spare. First attempt at a really time map... working on another now... small, testing and fun.

If you get the time, play it again it has five plans. Found it like curry leftovers, it gets better after being reheated.
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Working on my next scenario... therefore this could be a spoiler.

It is called "A Slow Advance", it requires the vehicle pack.

YouTube video of one of the five different plan when released, played in real time with no icons.
Had to posted it down with three video... hope you enjoy them.

Three Patrol Action by Ithikial Major Spoiler! Part 1/9

A fun semi-historical scenario depicting the actions of the 101st Airborne around the hamlet of Fournel on the evening of D-Day.

Played out as a small scenario, probe. Normal play time 30-44 minutes. Play extended to over 2 hours, using real time no icons.

Available at The Scenario Depot III

Nicely done with the zoom and building up the story! Thumps up! :cool:

By the way - you seem to use "Vein's tracers" but do you also have "Vein's muzzle flash" ?
Yours looked so "original". ;) Just asking.

I really absolutely can recommend you Vein's muzzle flash - it's a great addition to the game.
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