New Campaign Tourney System

Yeah considering you still have The Ardennes Campaign on the backburner surely it is wiser to finish that one before progressing and adding more to your workload?

Do you write in the hex numbers as well ?
You have an Infantry Div represented by the following:
Infantry Division
Recce: 1x Recon pltn
Inf: 1x Rifle Coy
Art: 1x 81 mortar spotter. 1x 105 spotter
AT: 3x towed 75 or 50mm towed guns
AA: 3x lt AA guns

A Division has 27 Infantry Companies(3 per Battalion times 9 Battalions. To reduce this down to just 1 company would be a factor of 27. Even if I dropped a whole Regiment, it still leaves us with 18 Companies. After looking through the lists of German Div.s there would be nowhere near enough 75mm or 50mm towed guns to keep the same proportion true. Most Divisions had no 75mm guns at all and the 50mm where in very short supply. There could be as many as 30 37mm AT guns per full division which would only work out to be 1 gun using the factor of 27. The other number would be out as well.
Then there are the pioneer companies and the schnell companies that do not translate very well with the 27 factor. Would it not be better to scale down the games to use battalions as the basic block instaed of divisions with these able to be broken down into companies. Then the players would have a pool and be able to assign other Regimental assets as needed. You might then end up with the following as the basic block.:
3x Infantry Co.
1x Weapons Co.(mortars and MGs)
1x 37mm ATG Platoon
1x Pioneer Platoon
2x 75mm Inf. Field Guns
1x Bicycle recon Platoon
1x 105mm FO (4 gun)
Ratzki -- yes, valid observations -- I didn't stick to exact proportions.

But if I go to Btn size base building blocks, then I'm right back at the immense book-keeping work-load of the Ardennes Campaign -- been there, done that.... not to mention that the campaign battles will become seriously too large and unmanagable.

I'd want this to be simple, fast-moving and fun and give everybody enjoyable all-arms OOB's to play with.

BTW -- availability of what AT guns depends entirely on year, month, sector of front etc... German kit varied immensily from Div to Div.
Oh yes the German Divisions were a hodgepodge of weapons, but I just looked at the most common OOB. Would not a spreadsheet work to keep track and simplify the bookkeeping? Wish i was better at programming them. I just pointed things out above as I think that the Infantry will be at a great dissadvantage if the heavy weapons and Arty get out of wack.
Nothing simple -- just doing post-mortem of each battle and transferring the results to the spreadsheets, database and then adjusting maps etc can takes ages -- if you have 6 to 8 battles going on at the same time, it becomes a serious headache.

Again, I offer my services as a GM.
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