New vehicles for Afghanistan

Haha, most of them are from books, and I can't be bothered to type them all out ;)
I found this on another website 3 years ago; people were laughing at the Brit Army's junkmobiles even then.
I think the Labour govt would love to do the sensible thing and buy Humvees from America, but they're afraid of losing votes from the Brit arms industry, so they let them keep producing badly-designed mickey mouse mobiles like this..

Here's an excerpt from the propaganda the Ministry of Defence and their flunkeys were putting out on their website about the Jackal, it just shows they must be on another planet-

Major Tom Wood, part of the team that produced the vehicle, said:
"I don't think we, as an Army, have ever bought such an incredible piece of kit before. It packs as much power as some of our tanks!"
Army driver Warrant Officer Nick Hartley has completed the training:
"It's awesome," he said. "It does exactly what it says on the tin! Troops will be able to go deep into Taliban territory and hunt them down. There's no hiding place from this vehicle. It can go anywhere."

Yes, it may be able to go any where...but can it return home!!??
With all the new weapons i come we still expose men to fire. Why have we not imported the technology of the cannon from the Apachie helmut gun to infantry vehicles??? I gues they don't want to spend that much money yet. It must be comforting to know as an Infantry man you are worth lessthen some types of technology.
Yes and another thing they could do would be to fight most battles at night for the simple reason the Tali haven't got night-vision devices and we have. It kinda gives you an edge if you can see in the dark and the enemy can't..
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