NEW WARGAME INCOMING! -> Steel Division Normandy '44

Well i would say this isnt as fast paced as most RTS so I would recomment you check some gamplay videos and see what you think.
Im all about multi so, i just used Ai for the first couple games to get an idea of the mechanics and general idea.
On easy i won with out much trouble and on normal i lost big time, but cant go further than that so maybe someone else can give you a better idea.
Also once the game is released the will have some campaings so that migh interest you.
One question, the AI is not cheating in skirmish mode correct?
Medium AI doesn't cheat or get any advantage. We have improved it greatly since Wargame, so that this "regular" AI can give players some troubles.
Harder AI gets availability bonus if I recall ...

Only 2 maps(wich feel very different depending on how many players are on it) and 4 divisions(2 each side) for now but still very fun.
There will be more maps & divisions added in the open beta, before release.

How much of the game is vs AI (won't play a RTS vs real opponent, too stressful) and how does the AI perform?
Presently, you can play solo vs AI in skirmish mode.
At release, three solo campaigns (US, UK & German) will be made available.
Given it a go.
Saw "historical" and "realism" in the blurb.
Constantly attacked by the Luftwaffe.
In Normandy.
In 1944.
During daylight hours.

Buuut that's because its a mainstream RTS with broadly symmetrical sides. Doesn't seem too shabby: probably too much Combat Mission to unlearn for me to appreciate it properly.
Hey MadMat,

Really appreciate your comments. Now that I have purchased and played the game I can say that your comments were pretty much spot on! Any apprehension I had about the issues I mentioned pale in significance to the sum of the good things about the game.

In fact, think Eugen have NAILED it! Well done! Once again Eugen have delivered an amazing game. Just the perfect balance of detailed historical research and gameplay license. This is an awesome game and I totally recommend it even to those with RTS-phobic tendencies to give it more of a look in. The huge photo/realistic maps of the actual Normandy terrain are so detailed that players are compelled to be very careful about planning their actions. Tactics and an ability to read the terrain is a huge part of the game.

However I think I do need to qualify my comments here (and elsewhere) when I am talking about SD44 as a game (and the Wargame series for that matter).

SD44 and the Wargame series for me are 99% all about the MULTIPLAYER EXPERIENCE! All I really care about is the how good the game is to play MP. And when I say MP, I typically gravitate to 10v10 battles (often with random players of various abilities (and disabilities!) though I also player the 4v4, 3v3, less 2v2, hardly ever 1v1. I do play and appreciate the SP campaigns Eugen made for Wargame:Red Dragon and will probably play the SP campaigns that will come with SD44. However, the SP experience is just a very fun sideshow, a safe space where you can perhaps learn the basics in your own time when you aren't slugging it out in MP.

Regarding the DFL provinding "free recon", it is both true & wrong.

I think I have made my peace with the dynamic front line. You were right: once I played a few games I realised that the "free recon" that players get is probably not as significant as I thought. That being said, I still believe it would be awesome if Eugen could including a "hardcore/Wargame" FOW game mode option that hides the dynamic front line for players up for a deeper gameplay challenge! <<<-again I am thinking about this from a MP perspective.

So, can you play this vs the AI? What is your emphasis: AI vs Multiplayer?

How much of the game is vs AI (won't play a RTS vs real opponent, too stressful) and how does the AI perform?

Gentlemen, I appreciate your apparent interest in the AI (CPU opponent). From my perspective, the CPU opponent in a game like this by default is not where you should be looking if you really want to understand why this is such a great game. Playing SP is only as challenging as the CPU opponent and the praise you hear from people talking about Wargame and SD44 are not based on how good the CPU opponent is. Actually the "tactical AI" in SD44 functionally covers most of the key things that happen in Combat Mission: stress, being pinned, falling back.

Or give a VP bonus for preserving soft transport....

I think Eugen made a very smart decision to make unarmed soft transports (jeeps, trucks) "disappear" once the units they were carrying unloaded. I really don't think the game suffers as a consequence. HTs and other armored carriers do not despawn however and remain as an asset to load up and move units around.

Given it a go.
Saw "historical" and "realism" in the blurb.
Constantly attacked by the Luftwaffe.
In Normandy.
In 1944.
During daylight hours.

Buuut that's because its a mainstream RTS with broadly symmetrical sides. Doesn't seem too shabby: probably too much Combat Mission to unlearn for me to appreciate it properly.

SC44 could not be the great game it is if Eugen stayed hardcore historical on the Allied air superiority they had in Normandy '44. Eugen have acknowledged and mentioned this already. The game would be less fun and balanced if the game stayed true to history in this respect. It does make things more interesting. Do not let this ahistorical but understandable game design decision dissuade you. But Eugen have instead remained historical more or less on the types of German aircraft the Germans can field in the game.

Well i would say this isnt as fast paced as most RTS so I would recommend you check some gamplay videos and see what you think.
Im all about multi so, i just used Ai for the first couple games to get an idea of the mechanics and general idea.

I definitely agree with this statement. The game is not as fast as some might think, watch a few gameplay vids. Making the right decisions in giving orders to your units in the first place is more important than an ability to click fast. Of course the need to click fast may come in to play if you engage in a battle where you are managing too many units...which is why I typically play/prefer "low income tactical" battles.

Will finally like to give props to Eugen for their incredibly well researched and implemented "deck building division system" and associated three phase combat system. Eugen once again have innovated in ways that I believe we have not seen in any wargame like this before. This mechanic alone makes even selecting then designing a division battlegroup so much fun. Your choices matter of what you pick (and what you don't pick) to become available for the three combat phases. Just as an example of how well research Eugen has put in to characterising the units available to each division: The units available for each division type I have seen so far pretty much follows what you woudl expect to find in a Combat Mission TOE for a similar division type. For spice (and probably balance), they have even gone one better than Combat Mission by making available to the 12 SS Panzer Division battlegroup a single captured Firefly and Cromwell 95mm, both of which actually did operate as captured vehicles by the Germans in Normandy.

I currently am having trouble playing with my 91st Luftlande battlegroup which is primarily, as you would expect, an infantry centric force. The only armor available during phase A are the captured Renault tanks that historically operated around St Mere Eglise. In Phases B and C Stug III then become available. They are capable however of fielding copius numbers of Panzershcreks and calling in heavy off map arty barrages.

So in summing up, I can already say that Eugen have once again proven to be an amazing game designer, and cemented themselves I think another classic game. Well done and thank you. Look forward to the full game!
Well, my apology for staying away from that thread lately, was kinda busy during that last rush.
But the game is shipped now. :)
Eugene has announced the first SD 44 DLC and a host of free upgrades and unit addons. Check Eugen's website for details.
The game looks reallygreat but zooming out that much and missing all the up close action is what keeps me away from the game.
I'm playing it a little here and there from time to time because it really looks great, but the choice of units/vehicles is very limited and to me sometimes the lines of sight resp. the lines of fire are making no sense. :(
And for me on "normal" it is way too fast so that I'm playing it in slow motion (called "bullet time"?) all the time and only against the AI.
The action with the planes and the dog fights are very nice to watch. ;)
FGM'ers, the "Back to Hell" DLC dropped on Steam today. Features include 4 new divisions, an expanded single player experience and 58 new units and vehicles.

Plunked down my $14.99 USD in about 10 seconds. Off to Normandy!
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