Night vision devices

Now with the NVG's


Are you certain there's absolutely no light in there mate? I always thought passive NVG's won't work in absolute pitch dark because they need to have at least a tiny glimmer of light to amplify, but what the hell do I know ha ha..:)
Where's your mates shadow on the wall coming from?
Or are you using 'active' NVG's that give out a beam of some sort of invisible light that only it can detect?
If you tell me its brand name I can read up about it on the net.
I always thought passive NVG's won't work in absolute pitch dark because they need to have at least a tiny glimmer of light to amplify

That's 100%... :)

btw, everyone can have simple night vision.

All you need is bunch of IR LEDS and modified camera.
IR's are used for iluminating 'target', and modified camera is used to pick up IR light.
Every digital camera can see IR. Try it with your remote control. Press the button and see what happens when you look throught LCD :)

But, if you want night vision you must make some modifications.
And that is removing IR filter on your cam. In most cases it's single peace of glass which blocks IR (but not all, thats why you can see remote control blinking)...
These pictures are from my modified web cam.



Through my window:

Coca-cola :
btw, everyone can have simple night vision.
All you need is bunch of IR LEDS and modified camera.
IR's are used for iluminating 'target', and modified camera is used to pick up IR light.
Every digital camera can see IR. Try it with your remote control. Press the button and see what happens when you look throught LCD :)
But, if you want night vision you must make some modifications.
And that is removing IR filter on your cam. In most cases it's single peace of glass which blocks IR (but not all, thats why you can see remote control blinking)...

Fascinating subject..:)
Well, that;s very simple principle...Early German night visions did same thing.
ONe vehicle as iluminator, and one vehicle as receiver.
Todays surveilance cams work on same principle...and some camcorders, but i think they have poor IR leds....
And most cameras in phones can pick up IR light too, you could make a super simple NVG using you phone and a remote control : )

Yes, that's what i am talking about.
Only problem is that they pick up visible light too.
So...solution is this....

Remove IR filter, and put in new filter.
That new filter must block visible light. Ideal thing for that is illuminated and developed photo film negative. It's black when you look at it and it does not let light through it. But it lets IR.

Remember when we lost our cat?

We put used one of these cameras to track cats and see whats going on around...Results are really good.....I do not have pictures to show :(
That shot with the NVG's is standing at the door to the gym, the gym is situated in the car park of the Police yard. I guarantee the naked eye is just the same as the shot of blackness from the camera. I looked around the station for a nice dark place, its black in there and the shadow is prob from the yard lighting about 30 m away.

Remember this is generation 3 NVG's, it is military stuff that comes with a user end license agreement, not available to the public with this amount of sophistication, the US use a higher spect of NVG now.

I am sure you could get your cam situated at the door POS and get some good shots, but the beauty of NVG's is that it is instantaneous and I don't need to be a target for a gunman. We use this stuff in the dead of night in the country, no ambient light on some occasions, no moon, cloud cover and still looks like this, inside a dark as room, still looks like this, it don't need a lot of light.

As for the IR illumination, there is a torch like device on the NVG's that act like it sounds, using IR light which is invisible to the naked eye and Illuminates what I can see. Down fall of that is like has been stated, NVG's can be brought common place these days and they can see the IR Illum too.
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