I did update the rules after some additional play-testing and getting ready for Round 1. The big one is that
the Budapest battles will start as Soviet PROBES, instead of Attacks.
Current Version: 10.0 April 18, 2023
*Budapest battles changed from Soviet Attacks to Soviet Probes. Further play-testing confirmed that even with recent map changes, the Attacks were going to be cake-walks for the Soviets. Keep in mind that Budapest held out until after Konrad I-III operations were over, so this should not be easy for the Soviets.
*Clarified that German Armored Infantry "SPG" in Table 6 includes Wespe, Hummel, Grille, Marder
*Excluded naval artillery in Table 6B, as we are a bit far from the coast
*Made explicit that pre-planned artillery and air may not be used in Meeting Engagement or Attacker set-up zones (No D-bag rule).
For Round 1, units that achieve a victory will not be subject to the >60% casualty loss rule.
Originally, I added this rule in the design to keep Attackers from being unrealistically aggressive, but further testing (and some commentary) has convinced me that on these maps, this Round, there's no way around this and the rule hurts the Germans more than intended. This certainly favors the German side, but if there is a Round that should favor the Germans, it is Round 1 due to the operational surprise achieved.
This first round is a bit of an experiment. The biggest challenge with this project has been trying to achieve an elusive combination of balance while using historical maps & situations which can be inherently unbalanced. If I err on balance in my rules and the Germans lose every battle, they lose a big portion of their armored force and the campaign will quickly die. If I err the other direction and the Germans win every battle easily, then this generally reflects history but has less long-term impact on the Soviets. I will revisit this after Round 1.
If either one of these changes affects your Round 1 strategy and you need more time to reconsider, let me know. Otherwise, alter your Deployment Matrix orders and give me the thumbs up when you are ready.
@Brille @Spoogles @Drifter Man @Gorst @Aurelius @dkchapuis @Guardsman @jackal @Car88 @Bleskaceq @Cargol @Monty's Mighty Moustache