Fernando and Josefina chose April 29, 2022 to get married in the parish of Santa Cruz, Tlaxcala, in Mexico, for a reason: it was the day that Hitler and his partner, Eva Braun, got married 77 years ago, a day before committing suicide.
As if that were not enough, the theme of the wedding was Nazi: Josefina arrived at the church in a Volkswagen Sedan vehicle in which Fernando decorated with swastikas, while he wore an SS uniform.
The couple have two children: a boy named Reinhard after Reinhard Heydrich, and a girl named Hanna Gertrud, after Hanna Reitsch, the famous german pilot, as well as Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, who was president of the National League of National Socialist Women.
That's mental, is this how they'll bring up their (adopted more likely) kids?.