Pike & Shot

And we are off ... definitely a change of pace from panzers and blitzkrieg. :D

Okay, if you surrender now we will only burn half your heretic army at the stake!

Seriously Rico, GLHF.

PS. Moving at the speed of a foot army, this may take awhile....LOL
Okay, if you surrender now we will only burn half your heretic army at the stake!

Seriously Rico, GLHF.

PS. Moving at the speed of a foot army, this may take awhile....LOL

No surrender -- not at least while the supplies of swedish meatballs and salted herring hold out!

Yep -- this battle does start with the forces quite far apart and and with bad visibility due to fog, the opening moves are a little dull.

Good look to you too!
The battle is starting to develop as my Swedish regiments advance through the fog and start spotting the Imperial armies who open fire first.
Situation looks quite daunting for the Swedes.
Took a few screenies...

Cute touch while you wait for the game file to down- or upload from the Slitherine server (it's actually quite fast -- about 2 or 3 seconds)

On my right flank, the enemy has managed to put up some field fortifications manned by arqubusiers/musketeers with cavalry regiments in the gaps between. (I am advancing from left to right on the screen)
This is the distance where long range fire is exchanged -- not to much effect it has to be said -- there is a penalty if infantry formations move and fire in the same turn.

The center is dominated by this hill with windmills on it and which has also been fortified by the enemy with heavy guns which have been taking pot-shots at my advancing pike & shot infantry formations.
At lower left you can see my heavy artillery moving into position to take the hill under fire -- they just move really, really sloooooooooooooooooooow...

On my left, the enemy Imperials right is anchored on a small, walled town which so far looks to be defended by several datachments of Commanded Shot - small mobile units of musketers, often used to screen cavalry or hold outpost positions -- and several Imperial Horse regiments in support.

Still learning how best to use all these units ... when to use fire and when to assault... how to use cavalry charges best etc.
Rico, I sent you an email from my gmail account that has Rematch battle information and the game password.

In a nutshell, Rico pushed the center and actually broke three of my Pike regiments simultaneously near the end of the battle, but Papenheim's forces got there in the nick of time and saved the field. Note that on Rico's right a very fluid cavalry battle interspersed with musket units raged until my forces prevailed. My forces held their entrenchments, then a seesaw affair developed and eventually my forces prevailed on Rico's right and started to roll him up. Rico 's force's in the center won a Pyrrhic victory of sorts, but I had two pike regiments and several cavalry about to slam into him after my line of pikes finally broke, Plus I had a 3-4 pike regiments pushing up behind his pikes. The battle for arty hill, well, he was moving to sweep behind the entrenchments there. The game time ran out before he could take my heavy arty (whew!) The battle for the town really was a battle of attrition and the timely arrival of a single pike regiment might have been enough to bolster my forces to keep the battle fluid bit inconsequential to the end result.

Many thanks to Rico, he's a classy oppo...good luck on the rematch.
Nice report... After reading this I picked up Pike and Shot Campaigns by Steam and getting started.

For those interested in the 16th century Japanese civil wars ( and also armies from Korea, China... ) the game "Sengoku Jidai - Shadow of the Shogun" from the same developpers is due for release middle of May. Besides looking interesting to play it is also beautiful... Also introducing generals on the battlefield and their influence on the behaviour of troops.

Some beta videos there :
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Nice report... After reading this I picked up Pike and Shot Campaigns by Steam and getting started.

For those interested in the 16th century Japanese civil wars ( and also armies from Korea, China... ) the game "Sengoku Jidai - Shadow of the Shogun" from the same developpers is due for release middle of May. Besides looking interesting to play it is also beautiful... Also introducing generals on the battlefield and their influence on the behaviour of troops.

Some beta videos there :

Not particularly interested in the Japan/Shogun/Chinese theme - (but design-wise it looks very stylish indeed) -- the Pike & Shot game itself could do with introduction of leaders too.
For anyone interested, Sengoku Jidai - Shadow of the Shogun is out on Steam since yesterday.
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