Nice forum behaviour ...
You make a post and I respond:
Volksgrenadier said:
You don't bring a single fact, but you denounce my analysis of the poll? Now I'm asking myself what may be
your agenda?

Whatever ... you just keep on amusing yourself!
You then edit your post to change the basis of it completely:
You don't bring a single fact, but you denounce my analysis of the poll.
And since I have concluded, based on the clear numbers of the poll, that the realtime implementation is NOT contributing to the success of CMx2, you are even worried to have voted...
The WEGO-customers are the HUGE majority and they are made shut up by the developers with their usual arguments of "development costs". Now with our knowledge how few customers are playing realtime, it is obvious where the REAL development costs have been coming from and which part of the customers is the part that is keeping the ship afloat! It's the WEGO crowd.
You cannot even resist the temptation to misquote and misuse my words: I said that I was "disillusioned" to have contributed to your poll, not "worried". I'm not "worried" because I think your conclusions are pre-judged and worthless. I'm "disillusioned" to have appeared to lend any credence to your conclusions by having contributed to the misleadingly-titled poll in the first place.
Are you by any chance the same "Volksgrenadier" that got themselves banned from the BF forums recently?
I wonder why ...
The miserable forum behaviour is from you, because you entered my thread not to contribute but to destroy it.
The changes I made also did not change it completely. What utter nonsense. You had no intention to contribute anything useful to this thread and you dare to whine that I changed my post?
And, btw, the

Whatever ... you just keep on amusing yourself!
is from
you, not from me!
If you prefer it, we can also talk in French, Italian or German. Then you maybe will recognize that English is not the mother language of everyone else.
CM obviously is a hopelessly incestuous project. This can be observed in the Battelfront forums, where all are brownnosing the developers, but also here, where you are not able to raise a single ARGUMENT against my arguments, but instead want to make the criticism ago away by repeating the lies from the developers, that they know what their customers want, and because htey have been in business for 15 years, they would be above criticism.
Keep on ignoring the hard facts I presented, brownnose a developer that ignores the wishes of WARGAMERS who want MORE realism instead of useless content. YOU are the worst enemy of the successful continuation of the game.
You will see, how far you will get. The product has been stalling for a long time and it's the behaviour of fanboys that supports this and not the critizism based on FACTS.
The ladders obviously have become already a tiny fraction of the ladders of CMx1!
People are explaining the huge impact of a more widespread knowledge about the product, but the developer argues that is was niche! It is the most insane and anti-business argumentation I have ever heard from a company. The more niche you are, the more you profit from being widely known, if you are unknown, because that's the only way to widen your small, but potential customer base. But instead to support these correct and sane voices, you fanboys on their forums bronwnose their incompetence in business.
How long will you continue to brownnose them? How much more customers must raise their concern about ever more decreasing value of their products? Are you really that dumb that you don't realize that only people who like a game are taking the time to write a factual criticism and that most customers will never do that? Most customers maybe face one problem - for example playing in a snowstorm ONCE - and then never touch it again with a ten feet pole!
How much more obvious results on polls do you need, until you will be able to accept that they are mostly living from the customer base CMx1 created and that it's not their brilliant development in the last years that made them survive so far?
Although I don't know it, but from the numbers and statistics it seems obvious to me, that CMx1 was so great at that time, even DESPITE their development of CMx2, they were not able to destroy CM!!! But without their family and modules-model, they probably would have gone out of business already! And what I see from the billing numbers and forum posts, it is only delaying the process anyway.
Look at the billing numbers and tell me, how long can they continue at that path? By throwing out one module after the next maybe sometime longer, but these products are only bought by a smaller and smaller group - you fanboys. But fanboys are the worst ones, when it comes to objective analysis.
You remind me about junkies that are happy if someone sells them some dirty drugs at all, but you do not recognize that it is your obedience and attack on anyone who criticizes your drug dealer, that it is the reason why the development speed of the engine has grinded to a halt for a long time and why not enough new customers are won.
If CMx2 would be the success you seem to believe it was, your fata morgana, the poll would show, that CMx1 players are only a tiny fraction, because it was stopped to develop - when? - 9 years ago and the comapny would have won in these 9 years a multitude of new customers. That's not the case.
You know it and because you don't have any valid arguments, you try to attack me and provoke me. But this does not bring the development of CMx2 forward - in fact it is this fanboyism that is the tranqulizer for the developers, which obviously are living in their pink world, where they say to themselfes: We are niche, we cannot have more customers and our game is too complex to be more successful, whle they receive the applause from their obedient handful of customers, which seem to be glad anyway, if not too many people play CM.
How the fanboys are doing a disservice to the developers shows their reaction to those customers who recently asked if Steam would expand the user base. It speaks volumes. I had done a quick search on the net and I found unbelieveably impressive numbers of EXTREME niche software, that had profited tremendously from being presented to a wider audience. From maing USD 150k instead of 5k, for example. I don't have an opinion about that, but did anyone on their forums did a search for the impact Steam can have on sales, before they brownnosed the developers in that regard? No, not one! But all are chanting in the choir of thier idol: they know best, so Steam is no good!
Maybe, maybe not. But I know that fans are never good - because it comes from fanatics - but facts and arguments are good.
The poll result is a fact. The billing numbers are a fact. The dead forums except a release are a fact. The shrinking ladders are a fact. The stalled engine development is a fact.
When will you finally wake up and stop brownnosing them?
Are you profiting from the excuse, that they are a small developer? Are you profiting from the stalled engine development, because they receive the applause from the fanboys for every excuse? In what way do you profit from shielding factual criticism?
You don't! You harm the game's positive development because you amplify the negative feedback loop of lesser and lesser sales and slower and slower development which feeds back into a smaller and smaller customer base.
Stop acting like junkies.