Powerful, I like it

LOL...Ok, I will buy that. Well said buddy. But damn it, just once I want us to snap and actually bomb someone back into the stone age! Perhaps Canada...LOL.
Lord Bane

I'm a hockey fan so I would have to come to the defense of Canada. I can say that there are times when I feel like turning Washington DC into a huge parking lot would be in our best interest!! :thumb:
LOL...Ok, I will buy that. Well said buddy. But damn it, just once I want us to snap and actually bomb someone back into the stone age! Perhaps Canada...LOL.
Lord Bane

Yeh Damn those seal clubbers and their moose farts.. :)

Ok so i just had to put something down to rib Wayne on..
I'm a hockey fan so I would have to come to the defense of Canada. I can say that there are times when I feel like turning Washington DC into a huge parking lot would be in our best interest!! :thumb:

I'm only 60 miles away from DC, make sure you use limited range weaponry there mate...
I feel the problem with these current wars is the failure to realize that these nations never allowed their people the rights to choose and vote for a government of their choice, they need to be educated in the process and at this point in their lives given a government that resembles something of the sorts that they can accustom to.
I agree it's not our place to impose upon them, but as we have the most experience in the form of government that most nations involved are trying to encourage these war torn countries into acceptation, then it is our duty to do the job correctly and quickly.

If you kill my country men, blow up my buildings then I support the use of force to reduce your ability to wage war & build weapons that can be used against my country and the collapse of any government that sanctions or supports these activities.
Give and ye shall receive...Peace be unto you.. etc.... until some fanatic inbred decides to try and kill me...
"They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind"-Hosea 8:7

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