[PREVIEW] World Of Tanks Beta



Ok, i played this for some time now...
Game is definitely in heavy development, there was 2 patches in last two days. In last one my FPS jumped to 90-110 from ~60 :)
Gameplay is pretty simple.
You have experience points and money. You get both when you participate in battle. You can use experience pts to upgrade and research various equipment for your tank, and money to buy that same eq or brand new tanks.
On the beginning you get basic tanks like Leichttraktor or other thin cans. But, as you advance, you can buy them new turrets, new guns, new everything (that;s where reality goes away :) ).

In the game everything is simple. Kill everything marked red. Game has auto aim feature which i'm not shure it's very good, but since it is not perfect, and always aims at turret it does not affect game play it self. In some situations it's best to use manual, in others auto.

Anyway, it's fun to play. We'll see what will happen in the future.
That's it for now, just first impressions. I'll write more when i play it little bit more.














Graphics is not this dark. It's just my capturing software...
Did you get a beta key? I applied but heard nothing of them ever since... :sad:
Yes, i applied 2-3 weeks ago...and i got the key few days ago...
I applied MONTHS ago, but obviously I'm not judged worthy enough to participate in testing. Well, I'd probabaly make tons of remarks about the historical (in)accuracy of the game anyway... :)
Is there a way to extract the vehicle textures? I'd like to take a look at them...
Yes, those are in DDS format, and people are making very nice mods.
I'll convert some of those for you tomorrow...i just need to find converter and reader for DDS files.
This is how Panther texture file looks like:

and 100% crop:
Pz3 in game looks like this:

aint that cute.... BUT ITS WRONG!!!!

background is black because screenshot is taken before graphics card could render it :) it happens with gadwin printscreen :)
Thanks! Those textures are pretty hi-res judging from the pictures... nice. Quite detailed and accurate as well. I think those would look good in CM as well. :)

And I can see a Schmalturm in the Panther textures - nice... Any camouflage patterns for German tanks already?
Certainly, certainly. As soon as the game's out, I'll download and fiddle around with it. Will have to see how they looked - I have done it with other game's textrues already and some looked okay while others were totally crap.

At the moment I could "only" use these as a base since they're most likely still all plain grey - and I couldn't release them officially because that'd technically be illegal. Either way Zaraza would have to give me those because he has got beta access and I don't. :)
That'd certainly be possible, yes. First we need to have the game, though. :sad:
I'm pretty sure I read that the team wanted to add different camouflage patterns for at least the German vehicles, but if the game is actually moddable, they won't need to.

Interesting threads, though - thanks for sharing!
Certainly, certainly. As soon as the game's out, I'll download and fiddle around with it. Will have to see how they looked - I have done it with other game's textrues already and some looked okay while others were totally crap.

At the moment I could "only" use these as a base since they're most likely still all plain grey - and I couldn't release them officially because that'd technically be illegal. Either way Zaraza would have to give me those because he has got beta access and I don't. :)

I'm not sure if giving textures to someone else is ok with EULA :)
I'm not sure if giving textures to someone else is ok with EULA :)

Too bad some can be downloaded through the forums without problems. Question is what the EULA actually entails in that regard - active modding seems to be encouraged by the developers, so tehre seems to be some grey area... But: Deamn, these textures are HUGE! And VERY detailed, almost works of art... Wished we could get the new CM textures to that level of detail.
This is quote from thery license agreement:

"The process of or attempt of selling or purchasing of game accounts, currency or modify any of the products or related products or use the affiliated graphics without our consent for either real money or in another game currency/items is not permitted."
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