[PREVIEW] World Of Tanks Beta

Hm... TECHNICALLY that measn you can do what you want with the textures AS LONG AS YOU DON'T CHARGE FOR IT. That very likely wasn't intended, though. But if they forbade any altering of game content, modding would be illegal and everyone changing some textures could be held responsible in a very real sense.

If I do some mods, I'll only send them to people asking for them - given they keep them to themselves - and not publishing them either here or anywhere else.
Anyway, Zaraza, give us some more information - how does the game actually work? Are there teams/squads on each side? Are there special abilities you can trigger (e.g. faster reload, higher damage, aster speed etc.)? How do you control your vehicle - keyboard and mouse (point & click) or do you use WSAD? Do light tanks stand a chance against heavier tanks at all?
Yes, there are squads, but i don't know are they functional yet.

Every tank has it's crew which you can 'teach' various skills so they can shoot / reload faster, spot enemy on greater distance , faster and more precise auto aim and other stuff...
Your tank is upgradable, so you can research various technologies and upgrade it's armor, gun, engine, radio unit. Radio units are very important, because they enables you to receive other people messages. Actually, they are not real messages. When your teammate spots enemy vehicle, red dot appears on your map. When he dies, red dot disappears. Of course, that's working only if he is in your radio range.

There is no way you can kill heavy tank with small guns. At least not through it's frontal armor. Last night i encountered KV-1, and i was shooting on him with PzJager I with 5cm gun. I hit him 7-8 times in frontal armor, and every shot bounced away. Then he spoted me and blasted me away...

Controls are pretty simple.
For moving tank it's WASD, for moving turret it's mouse. You can also set speed, so your tank drives on it's own (you still have to steer it).

Besides tanks and tank hunters, there are SPGs , and they are used like artillery. Basically they sit on one edge of the map and shoot everything that moves. Scouts in light tanks are their eyes.
Sounds interesting. As long as this one stays free, I'm in. So the StuG3 does work like artillery, too?
Hm, i dont think so...I believe it's used as tank hunter.
I still don't have access to it. Not enough money :) PzIII is my 'newest' tank at this moment.
Good point - how does the "money system" work? Will there be things one can only buy with real money and/or will one be able to acquire ingame currency for real money? Are there different modes (like "Capture the Flag", "Tank Race" etc.)?
Good point - how does the "money system" work? Will there be things one can only buy with real money and/or will one be able to acquire ingame currency for real money?

Yes, you can buy 'gold' for real money and use it for buying tanks and equipment.

Are there different modes (like "Capture the Flag", "Tank Race" etc.)?

At this point every battle is Capture the Flag.
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