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Question 403: see question (3 points)(See answer)

  • Thread starter Dutch Grenadier
  • Start date
The hint, it's a play on words...

2. Battle of Castle Itter - Dubbed the strangest battle of WW2. Or "raar gevecht". Battle was also fought in Austria.

3. An M4A3E8 Sherman called 'Besotten Jenny' held off an SS advance until it was destroyed.
The hint, it's a play on words...

2. Battle of Castle Itter - Dubbed the strangest battle of WW2. Or "raar gevecht". Battle was also fought in Austria.

3. An M4A3E8 Sherman called 'Besotten Jenny' held off an SS advance until it was destroyed.

Correct mate! Only one thing... Who was the person that lived at Schonbrunner strasse? And what is his story?
Hehehe. Post #16 you said my answer to question 1 in post #15 was correct. King Jan Sobeski, saviour of Vienna against the Turks. had me completely off thinking it was something to do with that war. :p
Alright i made a small eroor regarding question one... I just found out it was the wrong Major Gangl who live at Schonbrukker Strasse :oops:

Itihkial has the correct awnser. The hint was indeed to translate the 2 given Dutch words to English. Then google that combination and you had your answer.
Hehehe. Post #16 you said my answer to question 1 in post #15 was correct. King Jan Sobeski, saviour of Vienna against the Turks. had me completely off thinking it was something to do with that war. :p

LOL I meant the anwser given by Bootie. He gave the correct streetname. Your awnser was wrong :D

But well done mate!
Major Gangl was the German Werhmacht commander who commanded his forces against the SS. He was killed by a SS sniper. This battle was the only battle where German and American soldiers fought alongside.
OK lthikial is the winner I will update and the winner has to post next thank you.
Ernst Barkmann, his Panther was hit by mistake from friendly fire and Barkmann along with most of his crew members were wounded. Later on, his Panther became disabled in a huge bomb crater and was destroyed by its crew. A Panther tank.