Hi all.
It really didn't take that much to recognize that they are taking a completely wrong direction. But as long as Grammont's inacceptable behaviour against people with other opinions about WW2 did not affect you, nobody did care...
But with Black Sea many of you experience personally the first time the intolerance of this incredible hypocrite - and how that feels. While setting up rules that deny the discussion of politics, ignoring them and spreading blatant NATO-propaganda lies, denouncing Putin or Ron Paul while silencing opposition.
That's the same he has been doing by promoting his view of WW2, but many didn't recognize it, or even applauded him, for silencing people with other opinions.
The BFC forums are a microcosm why the USA are turning into a plutocratic dictatorship and the sheeple not even recognizing it: free speech? Sure! But not here if you have a different opinion, this is a private place...
I would lie if I would say I am sorry for that. You earn what you deserve for staying silent, when Grammont was unjust and hypocritical torwards other people.
Nobody wants to practize free speech anymore - and so it is dying. And you don't even recognize it; or if you recognize it, you don't care. Because it doesn't affect you personally (until one day it will). The filled refrigerator, the next iPhone, the next release of a game or the size of the TV-brainwashing machine is more important to you, than people being silenced because they raise a different opinion!
I believe with "Black Sea" this will become even worse in the BFC community: the historically interested part of the customer base will shrink even more while NATO-chauvinists and idiots that find it cool to bring "progress" to other countries, while they don't even recognize that they are doing the dirty work for the banksters and the 1%, will become even more dominant.