chiquichops FGM Regimental Sergeant Major FGM MEMBER Joined Sep 2, 2020 Messages 990 Reaction score 677 Age 53 Location Granada, Spain Jun 10, 2022 #101 @Rico @Wellsonian challenges created FGM1
chiquichops FGM Regimental Sergeant Major FGM MEMBER Joined Sep 2, 2020 Messages 990 Reaction score 677 Age 53 Location Granada, Spain Jun 10, 2022 #102 I guess the woods will favour the Andalusians like the hills did the Marinids. We'll see.
Nelson1812 FGM Captain FGM MEMBER Joined Apr 21, 2012 Messages 2,865 Reaction score 1,791 Location England Jun 11, 2022 #103 @Rico games up... (stop hiding!)
chiquichops FGM Regimental Sergeant Major FGM MEMBER Joined Sep 2, 2020 Messages 990 Reaction score 677 Age 53 Location Granada, Spain Jun 16, 2022 #104 The forces of Leon broke the Andalusian infantry before the light cavalry could hobble us too much. It was tense for a minute, if that early push hadn't paid off it we might have crumbled. Thanks @Wellsonian for a good fight.
The forces of Leon broke the Andalusian infantry before the light cavalry could hobble us too much. It was tense for a minute, if that early push hadn't paid off it we might have crumbled. Thanks @Wellsonian for a good fight.
Rico FGM General FGM MEMBER Joined Nov 5, 2009 Messages 14,379 Reaction score 10,030 Age 58 Location Johannesburg, South Africa Jun 17, 2022 #105 WE HAVE A WINNER!! Congratulations to Don @chiquichops whose armies have captured GRANADA in Turn 7, which makes him the official winner of the RECONQUISTA Tournament!! Well done, Sir! There are two more battles to complete, but that won't affect the outcome. Hope everyone enjoyed the tourney format. TURN 7 BATTLE SETTINGS Catalan (1050 - 1136) vs Andalusian (1050 - 1154) MAP: Mediterranean Wooded Battle Type: Open Battle Battle size: Medium Either player can set up. TURN 6 BATTLES BATTLE 1: PORTO @Rico vs @chiquichops BATTLE 2: GRANADA - @chiquichops vs @Wellsonian -- LEON Victory -- @chiquichops wins the tourney! BATTLE 3: BURGOS - @Nelson1812 vs @Rico - Muslim Victory BATTLE 4: BARCELONA - @Wellsonian vs @Nelson1812
WE HAVE A WINNER!! Congratulations to Don @chiquichops whose armies have captured GRANADA in Turn 7, which makes him the official winner of the RECONQUISTA Tournament!! Well done, Sir! There are two more battles to complete, but that won't affect the outcome. Hope everyone enjoyed the tourney format. TURN 7 BATTLE SETTINGS Catalan (1050 - 1136) vs Andalusian (1050 - 1154) MAP: Mediterranean Wooded Battle Type: Open Battle Battle size: Medium Either player can set up. TURN 6 BATTLES BATTLE 1: PORTO @Rico vs @chiquichops BATTLE 2: GRANADA - @chiquichops vs @Wellsonian -- LEON Victory -- @chiquichops wins the tourney! BATTLE 3: BURGOS - @Nelson1812 vs @Rico - Muslim Victory BATTLE 4: BARCELONA - @Wellsonian vs @Nelson1812
chiquichops FGM Regimental Sergeant Major FGM MEMBER Joined Sep 2, 2020 Messages 990 Reaction score 677 Age 53 Location Granada, Spain Jun 17, 2022 #106 The famous painting by Pradilla: Boabdil surrenders the keys of Granada to Don Chiquichops.
chiquichops FGM Regimental Sergeant Major FGM MEMBER Joined Sep 2, 2020 Messages 990 Reaction score 677 Age 53 Location Granada, Spain Jun 17, 2022 #107 Thanks for a great campaign guys.
Nelson1812 FGM Captain FGM MEMBER Joined Apr 21, 2012 Messages 2,865 Reaction score 1,791 Location England Jun 17, 2022 #108 Congratulations... @chiquichops on winning the tournament! (@Rico well played in our last encounter... the Muslim revolt.)
Congratulations... @chiquichops on winning the tournament! (@Rico well played in our last encounter... the Muslim revolt.)