ROUND #1 match ups


FGM Lieutenant
Dec 27, 2015
Reaction score
Here we go.
for those that have signed up here is the match ups we have for our new tournament.

Note: The match ups for round one was not random this time, since many of you have participated before.
Your draw was selected against someone with a similar achievement from previous events.

Passwords will be the same for those who have done this before unless you feel you need a new one, if so reach out to me.

For new players I will send you a password that will be used for all your battles, thus you will blind in that there is no game file for you to preview and learn things you should not know.

bf tourn CM.jpg
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First round and you pair me up against @MeatEtr AND give me Russians! So much for the festive spirit. Merry f****n Christmas LOL. Dropbox address shared with Meat.
I just started playing this game, what are the camera controls again? I forget Im a noobie! :D

DB folder created with invites sent out!

Good luck everybody! (y)
OK just a few reminders.

The first file I am sending is for the German player to open

Please name your dropbox folders with a title of who vs who.

I will have at least 12 folders to deal with and need to keep them straight.

No talking about the Battles in the open forum ( keep blind battles blind please)
What I am going to try this time is I will have a conversation for "After action Reports" right after the battle is finished to get people hopefully more envolved with discussions of the battles. When games end, hopefully I will be able to keep adding Participants to the discussion.

Files are ready to send when I see the dropboxes. ( I suggest the German player set up the file., But either player can, just work it out between you)

My first turn is in our DB Folder for you.

Good luck.
Bad news, whenever I try to load the game an error is thrown, it says that the file is corrupted, I have all the modules and version 2.13, I post here the message and not in the private conversations in case someone can help us, here is the screenshot of my game version


the point is that right now I'm also playing another match against @Chris, and we have no issues
Working on my German setup and should get it back over to @Raging Al late tonight. But gotta quick question for @SlySniper is 35 mins enough time? This is a pretty big battle with lots of ground to cover. I always trust your judgment, just wanted to double check that it’s correct.

I would never trust my judgement.
Yes, the map is big.
The good news is it does not take armor long to cover ground. (well as long as you dont get them destroyed)

For sure you will not go right flank and then decide to come back and relocate to left flank.
so hopefully your scouts or lead units give you enough info as to which way to go. (what more can I say)
Sorry guys, I really did not think this was going to be a problem as to size.

I did not see the signs as to it pushing limits.

but seeing file sizes as being 68mg, maybe that is a issue for some.

I run on a really old rig so I did not think about it past that.

That map is good size, but I actually shaved it down if I recall from where I picked it up from.
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