Round #5 AAR's

I will break the ice on this one. When I first looked at the scenario I decided I was going to deploy with almost everything on the open side of the map. Let a couple infantry scout teams spot the bunkers, use the lil mortars to start smoking off part of them. Use the tanks that have smoke shells finish the smoke screen will I moved the rest of my tanks up to gang up on and overwhelm the rest of the bunkers and again hopefully be in place to do the same once the smoke screen wore off. That was my plan and I deployed to carry it out. And then I had to be out of town a few days....... When I got back home and had a look at the turn my oppo had sent..... I was very confused... I was shocked at how I had deployed, I could not remember one single thing about why I had deployment almost my entire force in front of all that open ground......... I let a couple turns pass hoping whatever my ideal was would come back to me but the only thing that was happening was I was getting more and more nervous about all my tanks sitting in the open along the back of the map. I had a couple infantry scout teams pushed up an they had eyes on plenty of bunkers and trenches............ I had deployed a very small number of infantry on the other side pretty much sitting in the open in front of the treeline.... just to keep an eye on that side.... all they had seen was an "empty" trench and they had not taken any fire. These are only 30 minute games, so i am going to have to start doing something soon even if it's wrong....... To me at the time if I could get a reset on the game would be to deploy on the side of the map use my infantry to attack into the edge of the woods to screen the left flank of my tanks which would then start working on the bunkers from the left and center of the map................ Times burning.. Charge ahead into the open or shift over to where I should have started and fight the enemy and the clock..... Never to late to do the right thing I tell myself and start shifting, trying to do it as organized as possible so I can get some sort of attack going forward. This takes a few turns...... when I am about halfway through the process....... I was going about my daily routine, anything CM related was about the furthest thing from my mind, my original plan popped into my head out of nowhere..................... I think for a minute about how big a dummy I am...... back to playing the turn that evening I did not consider going back to plan A..... only how to get plan B going..... by now we are 10-ish turns in and I am starting the attack into the trees with some tanks over there for support and more staged on the back left more on the move in the center.......... And find that "empty" trench is not so empty after all. My troops run into a buzzsaw of MG fire. My tanks start hitting mines and immobilizing. After a bloody fairly costly firefight I take the first trench trying to follow up that "success" feeding in more troops and some tank support quickly runs into a very nice ambush in the woods set up by my oppo.. Trying to push tanks up only runs into more and more mines it is very hard to get them into good firing positions to help the troops in the woods though it did send in quite a bit of flame and HE rounds no doubt causing more friendly fire causalities then it did enemy causalities. I have been clobbered in more then my share of CM games. I know what they look like...... This has ALL the signs of through ass whipping.... There are about 5minutes left on the clock prolly less. At least most of my troops actually in the woods are not under much fire though it is clear I cant use any of the roads to push tanks forward because of mines.. I am under some sporadic mortar fire. It is time to stop.... So that is what I did... everybody that had smoke grenades or smoke shells popped smoke and waited on the mercy of the clock to end this disaster.....

Then right on que, just to rub a lil salt in many open still bleeding wounds, there is crosstalk on the forums about how going left into the open is clearly the "right" way to attack this map.....:confused:..........

That is my story and I am sticking to it............ My oppo knows all about it I had already spoken to him about how I had went braindead at the beginning of the game....................

I suspect a lot of the other guys playing as the Brits in this game ran into the same buzzsaw I did trying to go through the woods on the left as I did... The only reason my score is better is they had more time to take more losses then I did.. My actual "attack" if it can be called that prolly did not get fully underway till turn12.. at the earliest... I admit this is a terrible way to end up with a descent score for the round.... but I will take it....
Yeah this certainly is a tough attack for the Brits. Did any Brits actually win this battle? When Sly mentioned the winning formula for the Brits (which I agreed with but my comments downplayed it :LOL: ) I noticed my opponent moved out from the treeline. But sly was right in that this game plan really needed to be implemented from turn 1 to have a chance to work. But moving the bulk of your force over open ground makes everybody nervous. Honestly Im not sure even I would of tried it.

If this were to work for the Brits, I envision using all tanks or shooters to stay in the treeline with a very spread out 2 platoons of troops moving towards the bunkers. Also sending some empty HTs and then Stuarts to sacrifice to the AT gods to get the ever precious spots on the bunkers and AT guns. Then area fire the crap out of them with everything, especially those AA tanks. I've knocked out a bunker with a smoke round before. So they are very vulnerable to mass fire. Bummer though the Brits only get the small 50mm mortars and not the 81s to take out the AT guns safely after spotting. But again mass area fire on these as well.

As for my defense, bulk of my infantry were in the woods with some MGs and 81s to help. All AT bunkers and twin AT guns were poised for tanks in the open. Used some MG bunkers for decoys, dont think this worked much though.

Here's my layout and overall plan:


I went on the attack once the tank/AT fight was over. Figured and assumed others had similar situations so wanted to get as many pts as possible. Close assaulting and killing the flame tanks were costly. They got 25 kills before being destroyed. Was happy with my mortar placement as well, they covered a light infantry push indicated by the red LOF on map. Also my AT bunkers and AT guns had a bit of a crossfire for the tanks. But they still struggled. Though the Pz IV 70s finished them off!

Here's the AAR:


Aftermath, with 2 of his heavies limping back to safety.

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Yeah this certainly is a tough attack for the Brits. Did any Brits actually win this battle? When Sly mentioned the winning formula for the Brits (which I agreed with but my comments downplayed it :LOL: ) I noticed my opponent moved out from the treeline. But sly was right in that this game plan really needed to be implemented from turn 1 to have a chance to work. But moving the bulk of your force over open ground makes everybody nervous. Honestly Im not sure even I would of tried it.

If this were to work for the Brits, I envision using all tanks or shooters to stay in the treeline with a very spread out 2 platoons of troops moving towards the bunkers. Also sending some empty HTs and then Stuarts to sacrifice to the AT gods to get the ever precious spots on the bunkers and AT guns. Then area fire the crap out of them with everything, especially those AA tanks. I've knocked out a bunker with a smoke round before. So they are very vulnerable to mass fire. Bummer though the Brits only get the small 50mm mortars and not the 81s to take out the AT guns safely after spotting. But again mass area fire on these as well.

As for my defense, bulk of my infantry were in the woods with some MGs and 81s to help. All AT bunkers and twin AT guns were poised for tanks in the open. Used some MG bunkers for decoys, dont think this worked much though.

Here's my layout and overall plan:


I went on the attack once the tank/AT fight was over. Figured and assumed others had similar situations so wanted to get as many pts as possible. Close assaulting and killing the flame tanks were costly. They got 25 kills before being destroyed. Was happy with my mortar placement as well, they covered a light infantry push indicated by the red LOF on map. Also my AT bunkers and AT guns had a bit of a crossfire for the tanks. But they still struggled. Though the Pz IV 70s finished them off!

Here's the AAR:


Aftermath, with 2 of his heavies limping back to safety.


And this, kids, happens when attacking incompetence meets a well tought-out defense. It was quite brutal .. well played @MeatEtr .
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