Damn guys.... looks like we have no brown nosers or yes men in here... LOL
Yeah, we definitely have one cry baby in here though.
Damn guys.... looks like we have no brown nosers or yes men in here... LOL
While the discussions at the BFC forums already had a very bad smell, where they set up rules not to discuss politics while Steve Grammont broke the own rules and claimed Russia was the aggressor and even attacked the Russian president ad hominem, and then this discussion became even more strange, when Grammont was repeating NATO-claims without the slightest evidence, now the discussion has turned almost surreal:
In his answer to one of the very few voices, daring to question his views, he wrote:
I find that an extremely strange behaviour for a businessman with a small customer base torwards customers. This behaviour is not only extemely unprofessional, it shows an anti-business stance and in my opinion is damaging the business. Does anyone know a company that has chiefs that act that way in PR?
I mean in Europe a majority is not sharing the view of the Western establishment in this conflict. Why is a small company's chief taking the position of the establishment when his customers are divided?
Why is he defending the propaganda of one side without any evidences?
This does not make sense from a business point of view.
I just visited the Graviteam homepage and forums - although they are a Ukrainian company, I could not say, what their personal opinion was about the current conflict or the forces they model.
Although they and their beloved ones are most probably personally hit somehow. That's professionalism.
It just doesn't make sense for a company which wants to sell also in Russia and Europe, to be openly an agent of the propaganda of one side.
The only explanation I have, is that individual retail customers are not (any longer?) their only source of revenue.