Star Citizen

@Josey Wales Awesome, glad to hear you're still enjoying SC! I've been doing the same thing to grind some fat stacks of cash...taking my Cutty B out with a ROC strapped in the back and mining some Hadanite on Aberdeen or Arial. Super chill and fun. Prior to that, I did bounty hunting for awhile, mercenary missions on both sides of the law (It's a lot of fun to get a high crime stat and let player bounty hunters come after you. At one point, I was jumped by 3 of them. I died, but took two of the three with me), and some search/investigation missions. Some of those bounty missions, especially the planetside ones, pay really well. 30000 aUEC to clear out a cave with 8-12 bad guys in it is pretty easy money. You working toward buying a ship, and if so, which one?

Thankfully I haven't run across any pirates while mining. Hope it stays that way too. Yeah, part of the fun is just being along for the ride. 3.15 looks to be an interesting patch with the introduction of medical gameplay and localized inventory. We'll see how that all works out.

Also, feel free to add me to your in-game friends list. My name is Rambler_04 in SC.
@Rambler the next in game purchase will be a Cutty so I don't have to keep heading out to the Lagrange point stations to hire one. Then I'll likely work up to the Prospector. By that time we might see some other gameplay loops such as salvage which I can get into.

I prefer the non-combat loops atm but it could be fun to take down an outpost with a squad of us. I'll add you in game and next time I'm in I'll keep an eye out for you.
@Josey Wales Nice, I'd like to get a Prospector as well. You can also rent the Cutty at Everus so you don't have to keep flying out to the L points. The rental place is in the station's cargo center. Also, CIG announced today that there will be a complete database wipe for 3.15, so everyone's auec, items/ships, rep etc. will be gone/reset. It's necessary in order for them to implement the new inventory system in 3.15. Might want to hold off on grinding for a ship until 3.15! What's your in-game name so I can add you to my list?
@Rambler oddly looking forward to the wipe and resetting the playing field. Back to delivery missions then! My name in game is Josey_Wale-s (must've been a popular handle as this is the only way I could get it registered).

See you in the verse, we should meet up for some joint missions.
Same here. I have a bunch of random stuff I've picked up over time and it'll be good to get the account zeroed. Haha yep, back to box deliveries!

Awesome, sent you a friend request. Absolutely! Always fun to play SC with another person.
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