Steam group

Lighthorse is in but he just told me had some stuff to do @his farm
I also got Red Orchestra over the weekend and quite enjoying playing it when I come home from the night shift over the weekend, I've sent out friend requests to bootie, lighthorse, and numbers.

I'm known as "lemmanruss" after the Warhammer 40k "Space Wolf's" commander, I'm a table top gamer veteran.

EDIT: lighthorse I'm having trouble finding you as a friend.
Nathen I already invited you to the group
accept please. You can find LH there
Looks like you have to have a game in your account to access their chat...oh well for now I am not all that well today ...I need to lie down for a bit. Look into the games later. Good to see you Nathangun
I wonder how it will run under Mac OS - but please let me in|

mgkmgkmgkmgk is that your steam ID?

Download Memoir '44. Its a cool and free game
Steam FTW, love the sales they have pretty much every day, every week, every month, every year. I tend to buy and play too many games now. Currently playing the mind bender Portal 2, had a blast with the first one.

My Steam nickname is same as here, MeatEtr, throw me an invite please.

I fired up a BFG (BattleFrontGamers) group some years back, check it out here:
Feel free to join if you'd like, although it's not as active as it use to be.
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