Survey, members opinions needed



Bootie and me were discussing in his command bunker which is the best picture size for the forum, and naturally we want to do what the majority of members want.
Problem is, we all have different monitors, and what looks good on one might look too big or too small on another.
For example people with small monitors might not like big pics that force them to scroll off the screen to see all the pic, whereas people with big monitors might prefer big size pics that neatly fill their whole screen.
So to find out, I'm posting the following 4 pics in different sizes and need members to say in this thread which size overlaps off the edges of your screens, (1/2/3/4)?

Assault breacher vehicles (ABV's) are a modified version of the M1-A1 Main Battle Tank and carry two launchable line charges. Each charge tube contains 1,750 pounds of Composite Four explosives attached to a rocket, to help clear routes of dangers.

SIZE 1- 800 wide

SIZE 2- 1000 wide

SIZE 3- 1200 wide

SIZE 4- 1400 wide
They all overlap except number 1. Although number 2 just barely does.
Lord Bane
1 and 2 is absolutely enough - not everyone's running with 1600 pixels because he got a 2000 inch screen or is actually using his wall as one...
1 fits easily..2 runs slightly off the edge...3 & 4 are way off
For the record here's how the pics look on my 28" monitor.
Most members are saying size 4 (1400) is too big and I agree with them, so I think Size 3 (1200) would be the best for FGM, as it comfortably fills most of the screen, and probably looks good on 22" mons too.
(Incidentally I've noticed that pics sometimes auto-resize themselves slightly depending on whether they're being displayed in forums or on desktop or wherever,and depending on your graphics card settings, resolution settings etc, but on the whole Size 3 (about 1200) works pretty good everywhere)
Anybody have any more feedback?

SIZE 1 (800 pixels wide)
Clearly this is much too small for me because the pic is surrounded by lots of empty black space on the screen-

SIZE 2 (1000 pixels wide)
This is better but there's still too much black space-

SIZE 3 (1200 pixels wide)
This is much better, I've still got some black space down both sides but I can live with it-

SIZE 4 (1400 pixels wide)
This is a shade too big to fit on the screen, as some edges of it overlap completely off the screen and I have the hassle of scrolling to see the missing bits-
I had it set at 1200 recently before you asked to make it bigger. Depending on the outcome here let me know if we should go back to 1200.

No mate, what I meant was that although posting 1200 pics is fine most of the time, it's sometimes necessary to post them even bigger (say up to 1600) if we need to see some fine detail such as in a map or whatever, even though it means we all have to do some scrolling to see the bits that overlap the edges of the screen.
So although you've set the current forum max size to 1600 and we'll rarely need to post pics that big, it's good to know it's there for when we need it..:)

(PS- And it's worth pointing out that the bigger we post a pic, the grainier it becomes, so we often have to hold it down to a smaller size to keep it looking good)
Just to clarify the 'forum maximum pic size' thing, it's just a ceiling set by our beloved Fuhrer Bootie (currently 1600), it doesn't mean all pics will be auto-sized to 1600 when they're posted.
For examp if somebody posts an 800-sized pic, it'll appear in the forum as a small 800 pic, and the same with sizes 1000/1200 and 1600, the forum software will leave them alone.
But if somebody posts a size above the 1600 ceiling, THAT'S when the software will auto-downsize it to bring it back to 1600.
Vbully include the ceiling setting option to prevent members of forums posting gi-normous pics that eat up bandwith and processing power or whatever, so it's a good thing.
So Bootie's 1600 ceiling is fine..:)

(PS- speaking of sizing, there are various ways to make original photos and screenshots bigger or smaller, I always use the free Irfanview graphic program to do it.
I use size 1200 for most of my stunning screenshots and photos, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller, it all depends on the original pic.
For examp, some look blurry and grainy at 1200, so they have to be shrunk to a smaller size, while others have such fine detail that they can be blown up bigger than 1200 for maximum dramatic effect)
Can they get any bigger then size 4, I still got some room.:madgrin:
Can they get any bigger then size 4, I still got some room.:madgrin:

Yes mate, if Bootie sets the max size ceiling to 'Unlimited' we could post huge pics, but bigger doesn't always necessarily mean better.
For examp with a huge, huge pic, only a small percentage of it would be on our monitors and we'd have to do a lot of boring scrolling to see the missing bits.
All in all, approx 1200 size seems to be the most comfortable to look at because it neatly fills most peoples screens without overlapping off the edges, but if for any reason we want to post bigger, we can go up to the FGM forum ceiling of 1600.
(Incidentally the FGM ceiling was 'Unlimited' for the past 18 months but nobody ever needed to post huge pics so it was hardly used. Bootie could have left it at Unlimited when he recently did a forum software upgrade, but he dropped it to 1600, it doesn't really matter)
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