Survey, members opinions needed

Size 3 for me but.. who like huge images? I mean you have the desktop if you want to see a full screen image xD
I'm with airborne Bob, number 2. Is there gonnabe a rule on the type ? with my slow internet some pics take longer to load on to the screen.
Pictures on board shouldnt be above 1000px on wider side.
If bigger forum software should resize picture only for display, real size remains intact, so when you click it it shows it self full size in new window.
Plain and simple:

640x480 to 800x600 maximum. Since majority of monitors are over 1680x1050 these days you could even do 1024x768 which isn't too bad...

I mean, hell..My laptops can handle images around 1024x768 very nicely...but as far as a forum goes - 800x600 is the max cap imo.
There's no problem at all, people can post pics whatever size they like best.
If you like 800, then post 800 pics and they'll appear on the screen as 800.
Same with 1000m 1200, 1400, 1600, the forum software will leave them at that size.
I personally like 1200 because they almost fill my 28" monitor screen and blow my socks off. You haven't lived til you've seen a big pic on a 28" screen.
If I posted them smaller they'd be hard to see and would sit in the middle of my monitor screen surrounded by lots of black space looking stupid.
And how can you see the action in a CM screenshot if it's just a small pic, and how can you see the fine detail in a map if it's a small pic?
Most people in this thread seem to prefer approx 1200 and so do I..:)

PS- as a matter of interest the max pic size option at FGM has always been 'Unlimited' and nobody complained, but Bootie recently tweaked it down to 1200 (I'm not sure why), then upped it to 1600 at my suggestion which is the only reason we're having this discussion to find out how things look on peoples different monitors.
I suppose we could go back to the Unlimited option, but we might as well leave it at 1600..
My laptops can handle images around 1024x768 very nicely...but as far as a forum goes - 800x600 is the max cap imo.

Dont forget Netbook computers (more and more people are using them including me) with small screens with resolution of 1024 on their wide side...that means that 1024 wide image seen in Internet browser will always come out of the screen...
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